Chapter 9089 Moved

Yun Chujiu said, Huh? This idea seems pretty good!

The bone essences are the same as those puppets, they can be combined at will, and the colors are also festive.

Otherwise, it's really such a deal!

After sensing Yun Chujiu's idea, Er Gouzi first agreed:

"Little fairy, I think you have a good idea! Very good!

Bone essence is not willing to run away from home? You will fulfill her! "

The invincible honey badger said too busy: "I agree too! It knows all day long that he can't fight even if he sleeps. Why use it?"

The dog's tail grass in Dantian is even more heart-to-heart, showing that he very much agrees with this approach.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

The popularity of the bones is really different!

Of course, she just talked about it, it is impossible to really use the red skull to pay off.

She was a little unwilling, and chose two puppets at random, and put the puppet plates on the 7th and 8th.

The result is exactly the same as No.6, although there is a weak connection with the consciousness, but there is no way to control, and the three puppets have nothing to do.

Shi Dukuan asked curiously: "Sister Jiujiu, what are you doing? I looked like it was like a puppet made by a refiner."

Yun Chujiu moved: "I am a puppet dish I learned from other places. What is the difference between your puppet dish and mine?"

"I don't know much, but they have a six-point appearance, but their puppets are much smaller than yours."

Speaking of which, he disagreed and said: "Our cultivators have limited energy. If you can get out of danger this time, don't work **** it in the future.

The puppets made by the refining masters are useless. Not only are the combat powers and summoning beasts incomparable, but because they have no mental intelligence, they sometimes help when fighting. "

Yun Chujiu was a little discouraged when she heard it. She thought that the puppet technique of Baqiyu was very advanced, but she didn't expect it to be as good as she mastered it!

However, it is understandable that, after all, the people in the Eight Qi Domain have the assistance of summoning beasts, and they will not spend any effort to study the puppet.

At this moment, she heard a bang from behind, and she hurriedly turned to look.

This look is dumbfounded!

Not only was she dumbfounded, but Shi Dukuan beside was dumbfounded!

The invincible honey badger who was lying on his stomach was directly blown away!

My goodness!

Is it dreaming? !

Otherwise, why did you see such an incredible scene!

I saw that the three puppets that had been placed on the puppet tray by Yun Chujiu moved!

Without moving, they even stretched their arms and jumped to the other little puppets, knocking them all down.

It doesn't count if it knocks down. It still laps on it until it breaks.

Yun Chujiu stared her eyes round, how did she think the three puppets walked like ... zombies?

The two dogs inside the Spirit Beast Bag said: "Little fairies, they have no joints, of course they are like zombies!"

Isn't Yunchujiu thinking about it? ! In order to save trouble, these little puppets are released from the mold, and there is no joint at all.

Wait, this is not important, mainly why they moved?

Also, why should they damage other puppets?

The clever and bald Ergouzi immediately said, "I don't know why they moved, but I know why they want to destroy other puppets?"

"Why?" Yun Chujiu wondered.

(End of this chapter)

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