Chapter 9095 Totem Messenger

After Yun Chujiu had the calculation in mind, he immediately said:

"Master Totem, since you asked about this, then I will talk about what I know.

Brother Shi said ambiguously, you may not know the cause and effect, let me briefly talk about it.

I arrived at Xuanshi Cliff directly from the Baqi Secret Realm. I do n’t think I will say much. You should also know that the Baqi Secret Realm is not easy? "

Yun Chujiu said this very vaguely. She said that she was betting on Yun Wanyan's original guess. There was a big secret in Baqi's secret realm.

Sure enough, she saw the black puppet's pupil shrink, and she said, there is a door!

She continued: "You think about it, why did I get teleported to Xuanshiya? Why did those puppets get out of control at this time? Is this just a coincidence?

My mind is not very easy to use, and I can't think of anything too deep at the moment, but with your knowledge and experience, you can definitely guess that it is greasy.

I do n’t dare to speculate on the Baqi Secret Realm, but there must be a ghost inside the mountain tribe!

For this, I can use my personal guarantee to make sure that someone wants to hurt you!

What a shame! Eating your food, drinking yours, and turning your elbows out is beyond reason! Sooner or later will be thundered! "


A thunder fell over there in the mountain tribe's residential area!

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Black puppet: "..."

Shi Dukuan: "..."

Yun Chujiu's heart: lying trough! It's time for my crow's mouth to come! It's a **** assist!

Black puppet: Heaven warns! It seems that the little girl is right, the hill tribe really has traitors!

Shi Dukuan: Who am I? where am I? What am I doing?

Xu Yu, Yun Chujiu said as if he had hit the chicken blood: "Master Totem, even God can't see it, this is helping us!

Now as long as we find out who was cut by thunder just now, we can find out this white-eyed wolf!

If you can trust me, send me to investigate this matter. I will do it clearly and properly for you! "

The black puppet narrowed his eyes and looked at Yun Chujiu for a few times. Then he said:

"Well, then give you five days. If you can't give me an explanation, not only will your three puppets want to stay, your life will have to stay."

Yun Chujiu said confidently: "Yes, no problem, then do as you say!"

Speaking of which, she rubbed her hands: "That, Master Totem, you better seal me a position, so I can handle things well.

Besides, I appeared here for no reason. There must be a saying.

Otherwise, you can see if this works, you say that you are curious whether the first totem of the Yun tribe is really annihilated, so I used the secret method to get me from the Baqi secret realm.

Then, after careful consideration, I decided to enclose me as your totem messenger and go down to see the people's feelings for you.

The reason why I was chosen as the totem messenger was that I thought I was clever and clever, and secondly, I was not from the hill tribe, so I could report to you more faithfully.

With this identity, I can stay in the hill tribe temporarily, and it is convenient to investigate. "

The black puppet pondered for a moment: "I can promise you, but if you use the name to do anything wrong, don't blame me!"

Yun Chujiu straightened his waist immediately: "Master Totem, I can't guarantee anything else, but this person is not greedy for money, and second, it's not lustful. I'm definitely not going to do anything wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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