Chapter 9099 Ruchunfengfeng

Master Chun Tang rubbed his eyes and looked at it carefully for a few times before he said uncertainly: "Yun Chujiu? Why are you here?"

Yun Chujiu snorted coldly: "Where am I not here? Do you want me to die in the Eight Realms?"

I've opened my eyes today. I'm a hero of the eight tribes anyway, right?

If it were n’t for me, would you have to sacrifice the soul of the tribe?

It ’s just not grateful to Dade if I ’m not grateful to me. This Shi Duchang would actually take me to the law enforcement hall. It ’s really a white-eyed wolf! "

The Lord Chun was a little ignorant, looking at Shi Duchang: "What's going on?"

Shi Duchang just looked at the excitement just now, but forgot about the matter of Yunshajiu's contribution to Luosha Yesha and Zixuezi.

He busy said: "Master Chun, I am also acting according to the regulations.

The cousin Du Kuan reasonably said that he should be punished at Xuanshiya, but he appeared with Yun Chujiu. What does that mean?

It means that he must have colluded with Yun Chujiu privately, so Yun Chujiu helped him escape from Xuanshi Cliff.

Besides, Yun Chujiu suddenly appeared inside our hill tribe, there must be something wrong in it.

So, I plan to take them to the law enforcement hall for interrogation. "

Shi Duchang's remarks were reasonable and valid, and Chun Tang nodded: "Although your starting point is good, the consideration is not comprehensive.

No matter why Yun Chujiu appeared in our tribe, she had made great contributions to the eight tribes before, and she should be treated with courtesy.

Even if you want to ask, you have to get permission from the patriarch. "

Yun Chujiu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect to see them for a few days, and the old man became enlightened!

Previously near Xiyunchi, this old man was still glaring at her with a beard, but now she understands the truth so much, it really makes her look at it!

Originally, she wanted to have a good time, anyway, there are black puppet tokens, and no one dared to treat her.

Now that the old man is so sensible, she is not good to toss about it anymore.

In fact, it can be understood that the main purpose of Chun Tang was to Yunchujiu, which was out of the interests of the tribe.

If there is no Yunchujiu this time, the mountain tribe will sacrifice some souls of the tribes. In other words, Yunchujiu has gratitude to the mountain tribe.

Furthermore, if the mountain tribe is not good for Yunchujiu, other tribes may not agree

Of course, there is another important point. How did Yun Chujiu come out of the Baqi secret realm?

Why was she able to travel through the Baqi secret realm? How did she get together so many Razak night sand and purple blood spider eggs?

These are more important than the previous contradictions!

Therefore, Jiang is still old and spicy, and the host Chun thinks more comprehensively.

After scolding Shi Duchang, he smiled and said to Yun Chujiu: "Miss Yun, young people are not sensible, please don't go to your heart, please follow me to the hall.

Yun Chujiu had already condensed his previous life like this, and said with a smile: "Church Lord Chun is worthy of the name of Chun Tong, and it really makes people feel like spring breeze!"

Lord Chun: "..."

The last time you said otherwise, this little girl changed her face quickly.

Shi Duchang hesitated for a while, and finally said:

"Master Chun Tang, Yun Chujiu's special status can leave with you, but should Shi Dukuan privately leave Xuanshi Cliff, should he watch it up first?"

Yun Chujiu glanced at him and said, "What bet ?! He was released by me, do you have an opinion?"

Shi Duchang would like to say again, the host Chun Tang said unpleasantly: "This matter is determined by the patriarch, you shouldn't participate anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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