Chapter 9113 is gone

Before Shi Duwang spoke, Shi Duchang touted: "Good way! Totem messenger is really wise! As long as the right arm is cut off and refused, the problem of the third hand will be solved naturally.

Shi Duwang, don't you hurry to thank the totem messenger? "

Shi Duwang looked at Yun Chujiu in amazement, did she really turn into a totem messenger? How did she do it?

However, he now cares more about his stone puppet.

He thought that the method Yun Chujiu said should be feasible, he wanted to imprison the stone puppet, and then figured out a way to cut off his right arm.

As a result, he didn't do anything yet, his stone puppet just ... ran away.

Shi Duchang and others didn't expect such a come out at all, so when they reacted, Shi Duwang's stone puppet waved three hands and ran out of the foundry hall.

It rampaged and damaged many things.

Shi Du said in a rage: "Shi Duwang, you quickly stop it with your consciousness!"

"I said, it doesn't listen!" Shi Duwang said with a cry.

He is really desperate now!

Although he was in touch with his stone puppet, the stone puppet seemed to be out of control and did not listen to him at all.

What makes him even more desperate is that his spiritual connection with the stone puppet seems to be weakening.

This means that his stone puppet will either be destroyed or will betray him.

Such things as backing the Lord rarely appear in the summoning beast, but it is not without fault.

Generally speaking, this situation is because the master's cultivation is too low, and the summoning beast's rank is too high.

His stone puppet rank is not high, how could this happen?

It must be because of that third hand!

He hasn't thought about it until now, why did his stone puppet become three hands?

Shi Du saw that he had no way to control the stone puppet, so he ordered people to block it.

Although the stone puppet seems crazy, but the level is not high, it is not difficult to stop.

Sure enough, the stone puppet was stopped shortly and imprisoned.

Shi Duwang stumbled to the scene, begging Shi Duchang for help to cut off that third hand.

Shi Duchang had the intention to show off in front of Yun Chujiu, so he released his stone puppet and ordered it to break Shi Duwang's right arm.

His cultivation level is higher than that of Shi Duwang, and his stone puppet rank is also higher than that of Shi Duwang, so he broke the right arm of Shi Duwang's puppet without much effort.

The broken right arm fell to the ground with a bang.

Surprisingly, the third hand was separated from the arm.

However, the previously merged part, that is, the palm and the right forearm are still connected.

Yun Chujiu has the intention to try to separate it, but it is not easy to recite secret words under the eyes of everyone.

Furthermore, because she wanted to separate it before, she turned Shi Duwang's puppet into three hands, so don't try it first, so as not to cause other troubles.

The top priority now is to find someone who intimidates the black puppet. Other things can be put aside for the time being.

After making up her mind, she said to Shi Duchang: "Give me this thing. I have time to ask Master Totem to help me to see what happened."

Where did Shi Duchang know that she was the culprit? When she heard her say this, she immediately thanked Dade and said, "Then torment the totem messenger!"

Yun Chujiu politely put the right arm prosthesis into the storage ring.

(End of this chapter)

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