Chapter 9115 is too exciting

Everyone was excited, and there was a lot of discussion:

"What? I heard it right ?! Totem Master still has such a magical power ?! Can you give us a Wanjing Stone Puppet again ?!

God! Then don't we have two stone puppets by then? ! "

"You heard it right, that's what the Totem Messenger said! If it can be realized, other tribes can't compete with us at all, and our mountain tribe will rise completely!"

"Yeah, when the fighting power of our mountain tribes will increase a lot, whichever dare not provoke us, just kill them!

Hahaha! When it's time to fight, I will let a stone puppet fight, and a stone puppet stand on foot to cheer, it's very majestic to think about! "


Not to mention these people, even the hands of the stone patriarch tremble slightly.

There is no reason for him, so excited!

If what Yun Chujiu said is true, then people representing the hill tribe will have two summon beasts, and their rise is just around the corner!

He tried to suppress the excitement in his heart and asked, "Totem messenger, is this a serious thing? Master Totem really mastered such a magical power?"

Yun Chujiu said with a smile: "I'm not too good to say too much, after all, it is still in the experimental stage.

However, you also heard Shi Duchang said that the third hand is quite magical, it is estimated that this matter has a door.

By the way, you now order the eighth branch to be blocked immediately, because Lord Totem may still conduct some experiments in it to avoid unnecessary trouble. "

The Shi patriarch nodded in a hurry, and immediately gave the order.

In addition, he also ordered the people present to be kept strictly confidential, and no one was allowed to disclose the matter.

Yun Chujiu's eyes flickered, and Shi Duankuan made a wink.

Shi Dukuan nodded quietly. Only the people present knew that Yun Chujiu was just talking nonsense.

He thought about Yun Chujiu's intention when he thought about it a little bit. If the hill tribe is really a spy, he will learn such shocking news, and he will surely find a way to dive into the eighth branch to investigate the truth and reality. Clues.

He immediately arranged a reliable person to pay attention to the situation of the eighth branch church, and it would be noticed as soon as someone showed up.

Because of the shocking news of Yun Chujiu, the banquet atmosphere was very warm.

Yun Chujiu has been observing the behavior of everyone in the room, and found no clues.

She also thought about it, since this person can lie in the hill tribe, and hide the Shi patriarch and others, it is estimated to be a silent master.

After the banquet, Yun Chujiu moved into the best guest house of the mountain tribe.

Shi Du was very attentive after being busy.

Yun Chujiu kept painting cakes for him. He said for a while that he would give him a favor from the stone patriarch in front of the totem, and promised him that the totem would give him Wanjing stone puppet of the highest grade ... …

Shi Duchang was drifting away, feeling his future was extremely bright.

During this period, Shi Dukuan had always been the expression of disobedience in his heart and had to submit to his face.

Yun Chujiu said that he didn't expect this little fat sheep to be an acting school.

After sending both Shi Dukuan and Shi Duchang, she began to search her storage ring carefully with her consciousness.

She didn't believe it, that arm prosthesis could grow wings and fly!

However, she searched all the corners of the storage ring and found none.

What the hell!

Where did it go?

Continue tomorrow, oh!

(End of this chapter)

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