Chapter 9117 Calm

The Yun patriarch has not yet digested the news that Yunchujiu became the tomb messenger of the mountain tribe, and then news came.

This time, he panicked completely.

what? What might the Totems of the Mountain Tribes possibly give them?

In other words, the mountain tribe may have two stone puppets in the future?

If this is the case, the strength of the mountain tribe will soar, which will break the current delicate balance of the eight tribes.

He couldn't sit still, and immediately invited Qianlao, Kunlao and Kanlao to come over and tell the story again.

Kan Lao laughed: "You are really clever for a while, you want to know the true and false, ask Yun Chujiu that little girl will not get it ?!"

Chief Yun said embarrassedly: "If it is within the tribe, I can use the identity jade card to contact her.

But she is now in the mountain tribe, I don't have her voice calligraphy, I can't get in touch with her. "

Kan Lao said angrily: "You don't have any other people ?! You don't use your brain ?!"

When the Yun patriarch was talking about something, Yun Wanhe came in with a roar, and even pulled the guards who stopped him to the side.

"Patriarch, patriarch, what a big deal!"

Chief Yun indicated that those unsuccessful guards were leaving, and then he said with a sullen face, "You are also a lot of people, can you be more stable?"

Yun Wanhe said excitedly: "I can't be steady, it's really a big deal! Do you know Yun Chujiu patriarch ..."

Before he had finished speaking, Chief Yun said: "Isn't she just becoming the totem messenger of the mountain tribe ?! Is there anything to blame?"

Yun Wanhe: "..."

The patriarch deserved to be the patriarch, and he was calmer than him.

Only then did he find that the old and the old were also there and hurry to salute.

Chief Yun asked: "How did you hear about this news?"

"Yun Fengsan told me that Yun Chujiu had sent him a message to tell him before." Yun Wanhe replied.

Qian Lao and others glanced at each other. Since Yun Chujiu said, this thing must be true.

Chief Yun asked again: "What else did she say? Didn't say anything about Wan Jingshi puppet?"

"What is Wan Jingshi puppet? She only talked about the totem messenger. She said she would come back after finishing things, otherwise I would let Yunfeng send a message to ask?" Yun Wanhe said.

Kun Lao shook his head and said: "No! Since she didn't say that, there is a reason, maybe she didn't want to say it, or she might have some concerns.

Moreover, this matter is too complicated, and I am afraid that three or two sentences are unclear.

If I want to say, I should go to the Shan tribe. Anyway, Yun Chujiu is a member of our Yun tribe. It's fair to go and find out. "

The head of the Yun clan pondered for a moment, and decided to take Kun Lao's advice and went to the hill tribe in person.

At the same time, similar scenes also occurred in six other tribes.

No matter what thoughts he had, he decided to go to the mountain tribe the next day.

The stone patriarch was so excited that he couldn't sleep for a night. When he thought that the people of the mountain tribe might have two stone puppets in the future, he was very excited.

Early the next morning, he received news from Yun Yunzhang and others.

The Yun patriarch directly stated that Yun Chujiu was a guest in the mountain tribe, so he came to pick someone up.

Several other patriarchs said that Yun Chujiu had made great contributions before, and they would come to thank them personally.

The Shi patriarch knew what they were coming for, but it was not easy to refuse, and he could only welcome him against his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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