Chapter 9119 Old Maniac

Yun Chujiu perfunctoryly dealt with a few words, and put the puppet stumps into the storage ring.

She thought to herself that after returning to the Yun tribe, she would grind these puppet stumps into powder and use it to build her puppet army.

The corners of her mouth lifted slightly when she thought of the scene in which she took the puppet army to kill the Quartet in the future.

Shi Du saw Yun Chujiu smile, and thought he was very satisfied with him.

In his opinion, to please Yun Chujiu is to please Lord Totem, and naturally spares no effort.

"Totem messenger, there are many interesting places in our hill tribe, I will take you to go shopping?"

Yun Chujiu raised his eyebrows and said: "What fun are you talking about?"

Shi Duchang has been prepared for this for a long time. He has long seen that the totem messenger's greatest hobby is eating. He busy said:

"As we all know, our hill tribe is surrounded by mountains, among them there is a stone mountain, which is rich in ten thousand fine stones.

But few people know that Stone Mountain also produces a delicious food called fine stalagmites. This kind of bamboo shoots is very peculiar. It tastes sweet and sweet raw and is more delicious than any lingguo.

If it is roasted on Wan Jing Stone, it is 100 times more delicious than meat.

It's just that the number of such fine stalagmites is scarce, and only a few days of the year are produced.

Not only that, once picked, it will soon lose its umami taste, even with a storage ring.

So apart from the people of our hill tribe, few people have tasted this kind of food.

Totem messenger, you have good luck, these days are the season for the sprouting of fine stalagmites, and we should now be able to reap the rewards. "

Shi Duchang has no other ability, and the eloquence to describe the food is quite good, which makes Yun Chujiu's heart tickle.

When she thought about it, it was no problem to see, just to see what the origin of Wan Jing Shi was.

After finding a reasonable excuse, she and Shi Duchang went to Stone Mountain.

The forbidden area where Stone Mountain and the black puppet are located is in two directions, about one hour away.

On the way, the vocal seal in the long storage ring of Shi Du trembles, and he takes it out for a look, his face slightly stiff.

After he dived into the consciousness, there was an old voice: "Are you going to take that girl to Stone Mountain now?"

You just bury her alive, and I guarantee you to be the heir to the patriarch. "

Shi Duchang suddenly became angry!

"Are you sick ?! Last time I didn't succeed, I haven't asked you to settle the accounts yet ?! Are you embarrassed to tell me to do things for you ?!

Again, do you know that Yun Chujiu is a totem messenger, do you know that my future is all counting on her? !

I don't think you want me to be the heir of the patriarch, you want to pit me! "

After Shi Duchang finished speaking, he closed the vocal seal to avoid receiving any news.

Yun Chujiu asked, "What happened?"

"An old maniac, always instructs me to do this and that, I'm annoying!" Shi Duchang said angrily.

Yun Chujiu saw that what he said was natural, but didn't think much about it. The two went on to Stone Mountain.

After walking for a while, Shi Du took a long walk, his face pale.

"Totem messenger, I seem to have a bad stomach. You are waiting for me for a while."

After Shi Duchang finished speaking, he slipped into the woods next to it, and disappeared after three waves.

Yun Chu squinted her eyes, she was familiar with the excuse of a bad stomach, this stone length is definitely not normal.

She glanced left and right and released the dog's tail grass to make it smaller to explore.

Continue tomorrow, oh!

(End of this chapter)

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