Chapter 9121 Stone Mountain

Shi Duchang's performance in the jungle, the dog's tail grass is described to Yun Chujiu one by one.

It's just that Shi Duchang communicated with his consciousness, so the dogtail grass just heard the last "damn old thing" he said.

Yun Chujiu wondered, according to the dog's tail grass, Shi Duchang didn't come up with things like vocal notes and seals, but his expression changed, did he think about things himself?

Of course, it does not rule out what other means he used to communicate with others.

Anyway, she had to be vigilant and find a chance to try.

So, after Shi Du grew up, she asked with a little concern: "Are you okay? If it is really uncomfortable, go to another day!"

If there is no previous thing, Shi Duchang heard Yun Chujiu say this, and it must be floating, because his pleasing effect has worked.

But now, he just feels annoyed.

He rallied and responded: "It's okay, it's just a bad stomach, let's hurry up."

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Well, since you are fine, let's go."

Despite Shi Duchang's efforts to maintain the previous state, picking some interesting things and Yun Chujiu said, but Yun Chujiu can still see that he is a little absent-minded and his eyes are somewhat dodge.

Yun Chujiu sneered in her heart, and did not expose it, because she felt that this was a good opportunity to lead the snake out of the hole.

After a while, bypassing the jungle, the two saw the Stone Mountain from a distance.

Stone Mountain is not the same as Yun Chujiu's imagination. She thought Stone Mountain was a magnificent mountain. She didn't expect it to be more than one foot high.

Can this thing be called a mountain? The small package is almost the same!

Shi Duchang explained: "Stone Mountain is not the same as other mountain peaks. It is said that a subsidence occurred here a few years ago, so the mountain has sunk to the ground, only a small part of the mountain top is exposed.

"Then we only need to collect fine stalagmites in the exposed part of the ground?" Yun Chujiu asked.

Shi Duchang shook his head and said: "No, fine stalagmites like dark environment, we have to go down below."

Although Yun Chujiu was curious how to go down to the foot of the mountain, he didn't even ask Shi Duchang to be absent-minded.

After half an hour, the two finally arrived near Stone Mountain.

Although only a little tip of the Stone Mountain can be seen in the distance, it is shocking to go down and look down.

The huge mountain stands in a deep pit, and there are hundreds of feet of space around the deep pit. The magic is that there is no grass.

Of course, there may be other creatures, such as fine stalagmites, but from the top down, there is no sign of living creatures.

Instead, I heard the sound of Ding Ding Tuo vaguely coming from below. It is estimated that the tribes of the mountain tribe are digging ten thousand fine stones.

There are artificially cut mountain roads on the walls of the pit, which meander down.

It can be seen that this mountain path should be repaired several times, because the **** is not steep, and the width is not debt, and it is one foot wide.

Shi Duchang explained: "It is forbidden to fly around here, so I can only go down through this mountain road."

Yun Chujiu nodded and walked down the mountain road.

As she walked, she said to Shi Duchang: "You can rest assured, you will do your best to me, and I will not treat you badly.

Lord Totem happened to have something to do with me last night, and I said a few good things for you. It promised to wait for it to finish this time, and then tell you about things with the patriarch Shi.

In addition, it also promised that once Wanjing Stone Puppet is made, it will be given priority to be distributed to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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