Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9123: The line was robbed

Chapter 9123 lines are snatched

Yun Chujiu didn't miss his blinking eyes, frowned:

"According to what you said, the sound of digging will disturb the nearby fine stalagmites. Isn't it possible to dig only one in another place?"

"Totem messenger, you don't know, there is a falling stone **** in Stone Mountain, where the distribution of fine stalagmites is relatively dense.

Not only that, because there are falling stones all year round, so the excavation will not disturb the nearby fine stalagmites.

It doesn't matter if the rock falls, we can avoid it with our skill.

I estimated that if we go to dig there, it only takes half an hour, and we can dig at least about 20 fine stalagmites. "Shi Duchang said.

Upon hearing this, Yun Chujiu immediately said, "OK, let's go to Luoshipo!"

Shi Du's long eyes suddenly flashed a flash of light, fleeting.

The two walked for a quarter of an hour to the falling stone **** that Shi Duchang said.

Sure enough, there were falling rocks on the mountain, but the stones were not big. They were basically some gravel. You can avoid them if you are careful.

The hands in Shi Du ’s long sleeves could not help but tighten, according to what the man said, as long as he could find a way to get Yun Chujiu up to the middle of the hill alone, he had a way to cause a landslide, and then Yun Chujiu would be buried alive. inside.

He calculated that he had to let Yun Chujiu taste some sweetness first.

Therefore, he was looking for a lot of effort, he almost put his face on the ground to find.

After a while, I found two fine stalagmites.

Yun Chujiu said, "You don't have to find it first, help me bake it, I will try it."

Shi Duchang was about to place the two fine stalagmites on the Wan Jing stone and roast it. Almost instantly, the fragrance diffused.

Yun Chujiu sniffed his nose, this scent is very strange, similar to meat, but with a hint of fragrance.

After being roasted to a slight brownish color, Yun Chujiu could not wait to pick up a piece and put it in his mouth.

Suddenly full of incense, I wish I could swallow my tongue.

Yun Chujiu can be regarded as a person who has eaten a lot of delicious food, but he is still conquered by this fine stalagmite.

too delicious!

Good enough to cry!

Shi Duchang didn't eat a bite, but now he is so full of heart how to deceive Yun Chujiu to the middle of the hillside alone, how can he be in the mood to eat? !

When Yun Chujiu had finished eating the two fine stalagmites, he said: "Half the hillside should be denser, why not let us go and see?"

Yun Chujiu nodded again and again: "Okay, let's hurry up!"

After a while, Shi Duchang wanted to speak, but Yun Chujiu first said: "Oh, my stomach is a little bit uncomfortable, and it is estimated that my stomach is broken.

But you can rest assured that a bad stomach will not delay me.

I'll take a break here, go up and dig! "

Shi Duchang: "..."

Is this the line he is going to say? !

He planned well, saying that he had a stomachache, and then Yun Chujiu went up alone.

But now, the lines are robbed, what should he do?

Wouldn't he dare to climb to the middle of the hillside, in case the old immortal made a mistake and buried him as if he were alive? !

So, he said: "Then you have a rest here, I will see if there are fine stalagmites nearby."

When he said this, Yun Chujiu determined that there must be something wrong with the half-hill slope.

However, she didn't say anything, and was ready to see how Shi Duchang would play next.

Shi Duchang was a little absent-minded, but she was lucky, and she found another fine stalagmite.

After imprisoning him, he was preparing to dig, but the fine stalagmite was gone ...

Tomorrow to continue, remember to vote, what!

(End of this chapter)

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