Chapter 9126 is very lively

Yun Chujiu ignored his reaction and signaled the invincible honey badger to release the rock rat king.

The invincible honey badger was very obedient and immediately released his paw.

The rock rat king who was still half-dead wanted to slip away in an instant. As a result, his leg was shot by the invincible honey badger as soon as he stepped out.

Suddenly staring at Venus, he almost fainted.

It did not give up and tried a few more times, but all failed.

It gave up and lay the corpse directly on the ground.

Yun Chujiu narrowed his eyes and said, "If you continue to pretend to die, I will make a few knives on your body, and then sprinkle with salt and salt noodles to make you dried meat!"

The rock rat king crawled up and jumped a few times, indicating that he was ... lively.

Yun Chujiu smiled: "That's right, I hate people who act in front of me the most.

Some people may feel that they are acting well, but unfortunately I can see at a glance which of them is true and which is false. "

Shi Duchang's face is slightly unnatural, how do you think this is like a mulberry curse?

Yun Chujiu continued to say to the Rock Rat King: "Do you know that I hate the things people miss me the most? Dare to steal my fine stalagmites, are you living impatiently? Hmm?"

Although the rock rat king had cursed Yun Chuji with a dog blood sprinkler in his heart, there was a shivering look on his face.

Yun Chujiu snorted coldly: "Let me pretend poorly, what about the fine stalagmites you just stolen? Take it out!"

The rock rat king squeaked a few times, and then made an eating gesture, indicating that it had eaten the two fine stalagmites just now.

Yun Chujiu was immediately angry!

"Eat? You dare to eat my food ?! Say, how do you pay?"

Shi Duchang was shocked!

He heard it right? Yun Chujiu asked the Rock Rat King to compensate her?

Should n’t it be said that the rock rat king did n’t avenge them? How did it turn around?

The Rock Rat King is also a bit stunned, and the man before did not say so!

Yun Chujiu took out the broken sword when he was in a horrible circle, and played a few sword flowers. He said grimly: "Why? You want to eat it for nothing? It seems that you want to be dried bacon!"

The Rock Rat King saw her killing intention in her eyes, so that her forelegs were soft and she knelt on the ground.

As for the dignity of any rat king, let it go with the wind!

Living is the most important thing!

Yun Chujiu pouted: "Kneeling is a fart! I need to see the benefits! I heard that you demon rats all like to hoard good things, come up with some meaning!"

The Rock Rat King is fooled!

They have always stolen things from humans. Why is it the other way around now? This stinky girl robbed it!

However, it does not dare not listen, and can only take something out of its own space.

Shi Du's long eyes are straight!

If you are right, the purple branch is the nine-leaved purple berry of a legendary leaf worth 10 million crystal stones, right?

My God, this nine-leaf purple berry is complete, that is to say, there are nine leaves on it, plus the branches, you can sell at least 100 million spar!

And the stone with black light is the jadeite stone that has not been born for thousands of years? This is not a question of how much money, the key is priceless!

When he saw one of the stones mixed with gray crystals, he immediately exclaimed the equivalent of a hundred roosters screaming:

"Wan Jing stone marrow! God! It turned out to be Wan Jing stone marrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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