Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9139: I want to be a wick

Chapter 9139 I want to be a wick

The black puppet yelled, "Why did you bring a man who won the house?"

Shi Du was broad and stunned. Although he had some doubts about "Shi Du long" before, he just thought that something had happened to him, and he didn't expect the core to be changed anyway.

Yun Chujiu was not surprised. The black puppet is the totem of the mountain tribe. Naturally, he has some special skills, which can be seen as not surprising.

She repeated the story of Stone Mountain and Shi Du's long confession, and only then said:

"I'm worried that the other party is killing people and killing their mouths, so I take this action. If Lord Totem has a way to erase the mark of consciousness, I will let them turn the soul of the soul back.

The old man of Nine Fingers heard Yun Chujiu's words and immediately begged God to worship the Buddha, hoping that the black puppet had no solution.

He just won the house, he didn't enjoy it yet. If he just returned, he would be too bad.

Not to mention anything else, he was slapped by the old man of the Shi patriarch!

However, at the next moment, he heard the black puppet say lightly: "Erasing the mark of God's consciousness is just a trick of a worm. It's not difficult."

The old man with nine fingers suddenly felt cold in his heart, and he was finished!

Yun Chujiu was overjoyed, and quickly took out the Soul Lock Lamp. When she was about to let the nine-finger old man return her body to Shi Dulong, the black puppet said again:

"However, I am not very convenient to use the means now."

Yun Chujiu: Can you speak without panting? !

The old man with nine fingers was relieved. Although his life outside was not quite what he expected, it was ten thousand times stronger than holding it in the lamp.

He didn't want to go back!

However, this little girl obviously did not intend to let him stay outside, he had to find a way to persuade her.

Yun Chujiu asked, "Do you have any doubts?"

The black puppet immediately said: "No."

Yun Chujiu's heart moved, and the black puppet answered too quickly, too sure, and there must be something stupid in it.

While she was thinking about it, the black puppet said, "This matter will stop here for now, you don't have to mention it with others.

You can take your three puppets away. As for Shi Duchang, let him stay in the lamp first. This fake is left to serve me. "

Nine fingers old man: "..."

What did he do? !

What did the black puppet leave him in good order? ! Is it because he is so bully? !

He was busy looking at Yun Chujiu, and now he was the only one he could count on.

Yun Chujiu was thinking about it at this time, the black puppet was too abnormal!

It stands to reason that when he heard that Shi Duchang colluded with others to harm it, shouldn't it be so furious that she should thoroughly investigate it?

In any case, this should not be the current reaction. There must be a problem.

She tentatively said: "Master Totem, do you have any worries? It is better to say it, we will find a solution together."

The black skull sneered: "What scrutiny can I have ?! You little girl is really troublesome, go quickly, or I will leave you alone."

Yun Chujiu saw that it was angry and angry, so it was not good to say more, and said to the old man with nine fingers:

"There is no place for you to go left and right, and here is protected by Lord Totem, you will not worry about your life, so you stay!"

Nine fingers old man: "..."

I don't want to be a man anymore! I want to be a wick.

Regardless of whether he agrees or disagrees, Yun Chujiu put the No. 6 into the storage ring and turned around with Shi Duankuan away.

She did not want to abandon the nine-finger old man, but even if she opposed it, there was no way to change the decision of the black puppet.

If it comes hard, it is to hit the stone with eggs.

(End of this chapter)

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