Chapter 914 The Beast Helps

Su Shiran suddenly face like a gray, this is impossible, she sent fifteen gold faces to guard Yunxiaotian, they are all spiritual power of the emperor six or more layers, and not far from here, how could be people Robbery?

A smile at the beginning of the cloud: "Su Yuran, you still don't admit that your brain is not good. The hostages have only sent so many people to guard, and it is not within your line of sight. You said that you are more than a pig. stupid?"

"You! Yun Xiaotian is you sent people to robbed?" Su Yanran face gray defeat, Yun Xiaotian is her most powerful card, I did not expect to be rescued by Yunchu.

"Guess what? Su Yanran, your hole card is gone, now it is time for us to fight a deadly battle." Yunchu said with a sneer.

Su Ruran remembered at this moment that the Emperor and Yunchu, who had been with Yunchu’s first time, did not appear. It must have been the one they were going to save. No wonder when they had to fight before the beginning of the cloud, they could win. However, it was only in the east, it was just to delay the time and attract her attention. It was really treacherous.

"Hey! At the beginning of the cloud, although there is no such card as Yun Xiaotian, but these people are not our opponents, let alone the people of the five cities in our hands. As long as you dare to do it, I will order the killing. Those people!"

"Su Suran, are you a fool? Are the people caught by you to provide blood for the evil, and where is the chance to live?! Moreover, you are too early to say, we are not only these People, we still have a lot of reinforcements, and they are very strong reinforcements."

Su Xiaoran sneered again and again: "The beginning of the cloud, there must be a limit to the big words. The high-ranking monks of Qingxuan mainland are almost here. What other reinforcements do you have? Is it because the people at the spiritual level are not?"

At the beginning of the cloud, she did not answer her. Instead, she said to the people of Linghuazong in the back: "You give up a place, the bigger the better, I have to ask for reinforcements."

Some people know that the beginning of the cloud is to put the monster out, but some people do not know, the heart said that the reinforcements let them make a place to do? However, in view of the abnormal performance of Yunchu, they all gave up the open space.

At the beginning of the cloud, a high-end demon scorpion began to appear on the open space. The sound of the beast that screamed in the sky was heard throughout the Linghuazong, and even hundreds of miles could be heard.

These monsters, especially the monsters of the Potion Valley, hate the people of the Demon Temple. What are you, if you are not, we are waiting in the elixir valley, as for the surrender? As for the departure from the hometown, follow her to find revenge for you? We have been hungry for a few days, just to fill your stomach.

The beasts watched the fierce light, staring at the opposite of the demon temple.

The people of the Demon Temple saw so many high-ranking monsters almost scared!


This cloud is not a person at first, how can she get so many monsters, and they are all high-level, how can these monsters listen to her command? how can that be? !

Su Yuran’s heart suddenly sinks, and it’s over! The trend has gone!

If there are only those monks, they will win the prize, but the number of high-ranking monsters will not be their opponents even if they double their hands. For today’s plan, only the first door will be withdrawn, and then the opportunity will be counterattacked. .

(End of this chapter)

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