Chapter 9142 is a little bit floating

The black puppet seemed to have guessed the idea of ​​the nine-finger old man, and said lightly: "Are you curious why I didn't kill her or cancel her job?"

The old man with nine fingers nodded, he was indeed curious.

"I want to kill her easily, but she is still useful, I have to keep her.

There is always bait for fishing. The name of this totem's left messenger is bait. The black puppet explained.

The nine-finger old man nodded suddenly, and asked again:

"Then do you know who is colluding with Shi Duchang? Do you mention me anyway? I'm also prepared."

"It's just a small person. My injury has nothing to do with him. You don't need to bother. He won't be long." The black puppet said indifferently.

The black puppet gave Jiuzhi Elder a token and said, "Baqiyu is on the right, so you have a higher status than Yunchujiu's little girl. You don't have to fear her anymore."

When the nine-finger old man heard it, he suddenly felt his waist straight.


Since seeing this little girl in the underground palace at the beginning, he has been at a disadvantage, and finally when he raised his eyebrows and exhaled.

Now he was leaning on the black puppet, the big Buddha, and had to squeeze her head.

The black puppet seemed tired, and said, "I should have explained to you, and you should retreat!"

The old man of Nine Fingers didn't dare to say more. After saluting, he returned the same way.

After walking about two or three miles, I met Yunchujiu and Shidukuan who had returned.

"Huh? Master Totem let you go? I'm trying to go back and plead for you!" Yun Chujiu surprised.

The old man with nine fingers lifted his waist and raised his head, his nostrils facing up, and said lightly:

"No more! Master Totem told me to tell you that from now on you are the Totem Left Envoy, and I am the Totem Right Envoy, my status is higher than you, so you have to take orders from me."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

The stone width of silent eating melon: "..."

The old man with nine fingers was very satisfied with Yun Chujiu's surprised expression. He had always dreamed of seeing this expression on Yun Chujiu's face. He did it!

However, this is not enough!

With a sense of consciousness, he released his stone puppet, pressed the corner of his mouth that he wanted to raise, and said:

"This is my stone puppet. Although the grade is average, it is enough."

Shi Dukuan's complexion changed: "This, are you Jiu Pin?"

The old man of Jiuzhi didn't understand Jiupin at all, but when Shi Dukuan was so surprised, it was estimated that Jiupin was very high, so he pretended to be humble:

"It doesn't matter what a few products are, it's mainly because I look pretty pleasing."

Yun Chujiu looked at Shi Dukuan: "Nine products are very powerful?"

Shi Dukuan explained: "The grade of the stone puppet is divided into nine grades, seven grades are very rare, he ..."

"Call me the right messenger of the totem, otherwise I will cure your sin of disrespect." The nine-finger old man grumbled coldly.

Shi Dukuan had to change his mouth: "This stone puppet of the right totem of the totem looks like ninth grade, because the grade of the stone puppet can be seen from the number of spin patterns on the head."

Yun Chujiu counted, really, there are nine swirl patterns on the head of the stone puppet of the nine-finger old man.

Before she said anything, the nine-finger old man shouted at Shi Dukuanyi: "You immediately notify the patriarch to give me a banquet, saying that I have important orders to convey."

Shi Dukuan didn't move, but looked at Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu frowned: "Nine-finger old man, I find that you are floating now! Tell me, what is going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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