Chapter 916 The Sorcerer's Temple

"Men, where are the places where they swear allegiance? How is it arranged?" Yunchu remembered that Ren Lizhi once said that their silver faces had to go to a place to swear allegiance.

Emperor Beibei hooked the corner of the mouth: "It is the evil ruin that Long Pingshan was destroyed by us. It seems that there is another Qiankun in it. After the things here are finished, let's check it out."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. At this time, the battle was nearing the end. The people of the Temple of the Devil were not the opponents of the monsters. Moreover, they saw that Su Shiran disappeared, and there was no fighting spirit. Soon the army was completely wiped out.

The solitary intention was taken by Xuanyuan’s head to abolish the cultivation and see it, because many secrets of the Tianmen faction are only known to him and must be handed over to the Tianmen faction.

Unexpectedly, I just **** my own loneliness, and I was alone and suddenly died of blood.

Those who used the Soul Detective by Emperor Beibei were also like the ones who were alone, and the seven sorrows bleed and died. It must have been the purple face or Su Shiran who used the sorcerer to do it. It was really hot and ruthless.

At the beginning of the cloud, some people were arranged to clean up the battlefield, and then they took some people and all the monsters to the Tianmen School to meet another monk.

Sure enough, like the first guess of the cloud, the other monk did not suffer much resistance after he arrived at the Tianmen School. The shackles of the temples of the gods went to Linghuazong, except for a few gold-faced people. The rest were the original Tianmenites. They were forced by the solitary and Su Shiran, so they were As a result, they immediately turned their backs and helped them deal with the Golden Face.

After killing the golden noodles, according to the method of cloud confession, the trapped people were saved and destroyed.

When the cloud arrived, the matter had come to an end. At the beginning of the cloud, some alchemists were left to help the people, and then they took the crowd to the Tianjian and Bixi Palace.

The two factions were recovered without much effort, and the gold-faced and the silver-faced people had died of bloodshed without exception. Obviously, the demon temple used these people as abandonment and directly extinguished it.

Everyone is embarrassed, these people are still doing the dream of soaring, even if they can find the eyes of the mysterious eyes, I am afraid that it is such a final end, it is stupid.

However, the sizzling of the Temple of the Devil can be seen. I am afraid that only the purple-faced talents are their shackles, and other people are pawns that can be discarded at any time.

At the beginning of the cloud, he rushed to Longping Mountain without a stop. What shocked them was that the original underground palace had been razed to the ground at this time, and there was a scorching smell inside, presumably after burning the inside. Only destroyed it.

The hearts of the people could not help but shrouded a shadow. I am afraid that this temple of the gods will come back.

At the beginning of the cloud, the Qing dynasty cleared the scorpion and said: "You don't have to worry too much. This time, although we have not completely eliminated the Demon Temple, we have already removed 90% of their power in the Qingxuan mainland. They even need to count if they want to make a comeback. The time of the year is only possible. During this period, as long as everyone is strictly guarded, it is not so easy for them to cultivate their influence.

Moreover, the person who saved Su Suran is probably the one who is the main one. It seems that he should have torn the void to save Su Suran. This shows that he himself cannot personally come to Qingxuan mainland, he can only Cultivating minions helps him get things done.

So their strength is not too terrible, as long as we are united, even if they come back again, we can destroy it again. ”

(End of this chapter)

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