Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9161: Able to bend and extend (see monthly ticket)

Chapter 9161 Can Flex and Extend (See monthly ticket)

After a moment, the gray puppet raised his hand, and the black powder dissipated in the wind, as if the black puppet had never existed.

The gray puppet laughs in the sky:

"Good death! Good death! You should have been dead! From now on, this mountain tribe is mine!"

The stone patriarchs and others dare to be angry and dare not speak, but can only hang their heads, and their hearts are filled with sorrow and bewilderment.

Yun Chujiu said, just die? Why doesn't it feel right? It's too easy to die!

Also, the black puppet is a tribal totem anyway. After death, it turns into a black powder? Why do you feel so perfunctory?

While she was thinking about it, she heard the gray puppet say: "Shi Duchang, you can get me over!"

The nine-finger old man was trembling with fright and looked at Yun Chujiu.

Unfortunately, Yun Chujiu didn't look at him.

His first thought was to run!

But where can I go? !

He had to scalp to the front, his knees were soft, and he knelt on the ground.

It's not that he didn't have a good time. In order to survive, what generation of owls and what is back to the peak must stand by the side.

The gray puppet sneered: "I have to thank you for saying that, if you cooperate with me, my plan will not be so smooth.

It's a pity that you don't know how to betray you and then you even betrayed me. You said, how do you want to die? "

The old man of Nine Fingers was puzzled. Hearing it meant that he didn't find that "Shi Du Chang" changed his core. It stands to reason that it should not be repaired!

However, there is no time to think about it now, and it is still important to find a way to save life.

He busy said: "Master Totem Mingjian, I'm not betraying you, I want to be your undercover!

Think about it, if I had n’t pretended to trust it, could you kill him so quickly? !

Besides, you are now the time to hire people, and I am also your sister-in-law anyway, which is easier than others.

In addition, today is your good day. It's unlucky to be washed by blood, your adults have a lot, spare me my dog's life! "

Yun Chujiu almost laughed out loud!

This old man with nine fingers can really bend and stretch!

The gray puppet pouted: "Well, it's okay to keep a stray dog ​​like you."

However, there is a prerequisite, you go to kill Yun Chujiu!

This little girl is abhorrent. If it were not for her to break me, I ... In short, she **** it! "

Nine fingers old man: "..."

He hesitated for a moment, stood up and walked to Yun Chujiu, gritted his teeth and said, "Yun Chujiu, you also heard that only killing you can I live.

Don't blame me, if you want to blame you, your life is bad, you die! "

As he said, he gave Yun Chuji a wink. That means, we two will fight and take advantage of this opportunity!

Naturally, he wouldn't listen to the grey puppet and killed Yun Chujiu. Although he had trouble finding Yun Chujiu before, he didn't want her life, but just to get back the scene.

He was n’t stupid anymore. The gray puppet was irritated, maybe he was the next one to kill.

Yun Chujiu nodded slightly invisible, and said angrily: "Shi Duchang, you shameless villain! I fight with you!"

She said, carrying a broken sword, stabbed at the old man with nine fingers.

After the elder Nine Fingers evaded, he sneered and released the peak puppet.

"Peak, go up, kill me for me!"

Yun Chujiu stumbled under his feet, and he was almost stupid!

The peak puppet looks exactly like the gray puppet, don't you know? !

Isn't it awkward to release this stuff at this time? !

Is it because the lamp has been turned off for a long time, so the brain is not good?

Tomorrow to continue, roll around and sell Mengqiu monthly tickets, why not!

(End of this chapter)

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