Chapter 9166 must be like this

Yun Chujiu didn't have much time to hesitate, because the old man with nine fingers had already rolled his head with his head, and the screams in his mouth were extremely sad.

Obviously, the black puppet is ready to detonate the stone gallbladder.

Yun Chujiu almost subconsciously wanted to exchange the old soul of the nine-finger old man and the long soul of Shi Du. As for the consequences, I will say it again.

However, she soon found in amazement that the old soul of the nine-finger old man seemed to be locked. She couldn't exchange it with the Shidu long yuan soul inside the lock soul lamp.

After the nine fingers old man learned of the situation, he almost spurted blood out.


He is dead this time!

It was because he had planned for several years before, and even built an underground palace. He was so aggrieved that he died at the end, he was really not reconciled!

Knowing this earlier, he should have put things and little girls and pans out early, maybe she could find the problem in advance, so now she can only wait to die.

Now that these are useless, he can only wait for the soul to disperse.

Yun Chujiu saw that the nine-finger old man hadn't even screamed before ... lively, knowing that he had despair in his heart and had no desire or desire to survive.

She busy said: "Don't give up first, the peak puppet has an independent consciousness, you try to communicate with it, maybe it can restrain the black puppet's control."

The old man of Nine Fingers felt bitter in his heart. When the peak puppet was caught before, he didn't even let his fart go. Can the peak puppet take care of him? !

However, the survival instinct still prevailed, and he was busy trying to communicate the peak puppet with his consciousness.

"Peak, you don't want to die, right? You quickly resist!"

"If you die like that, you are too foolproof, are you willing?"

"It's also a puppet. Why should your destiny be in their hands? You must fight!"


The old man of Nine Fingers tried for a long time without seeing the reaction of the peak puppet, as if his consciousness connection with the peak puppet had been cut off.

Nine finger old man is completely desperate this time!

At this time, the severe pain of the consciousness has made his consciousness slightly blurred:

"Forget it, since you don't want to resist, then let's die together, anyway, we can also be counted as dying on the same day, same month and same year.

In your next life, you will still be my stone puppet, and I will be better for you. "

As soon as he said this, the body of the black puppet shuddered, and the gray swirling pattern on the top of his head flashed.

As the gray swirl flashes, the black puppet's movements start to stiffen.

Yun Chujiu was pleasantly surprised: "Peak, work harder! I'm waiting for you and my little puppet to fight again!"

At the same time, the nine-finger old man's distressing consciousness has also been somewhat relieved, and he was somewhat stunned.

He recalled the last few words he just said, which one touched the peak puppet?

Could it be that he said it so touching, so it moved?

It must be so!

Who said that grass and trees are merciless? Doesn't this pinnacle puppet feel serious? !

If he can live this time, he will be better for it in the future.

However, the truth is this.

The Peak Puppet was already discouraged, and it was a bit unacceptable about his identity.

It originally thought that it was a summoning beast of the Ninth Grade, but now it is found that it is only a tool used by black puppets against gray puppets.

Of course, even if it's frustrated, it doesn't want to die.

It also tried to resist just now, but the black puppet's consciousness was too strong, and it struggled to no avail.

(End of this chapter)

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