Chapter 9168 is defeated

The gray puppet heard the black puppet's words for a moment, then angered:

"Are you going to take my house? How dare you?"

"What am I afraid of ?! Do you know how long I have been playing this game?

To tell you the truth, including digging you out of Stone Mountain at the beginning, it was all my game.

If it's not my intention to lay out, why do I get a mountain pattern for worship?

Is it true that you really thought I didn't expect you to give birth to wisdom?

Do you think that the trick you made with Shi Duchang can really hide me?

These are just my calculations. If not, how could you jump out?

If this is not the case, how can I hurt your soul with stone gallbladder? The black puppet said proudly.

The gray puppet was shocked and angry, and gritted his teeth: "Then why did you delay it until now?"

"It's very simple. Only when your spiritual intelligence reaches a certain level can Wan Jing's medulla become a seamless stone puppet.

As for why you chose to use stone gallbladder to hurt your soul, this is even simpler. I'm afraid your dog will jump off the wall and explode Yuan soul to hurt my favorite body.

At this time, your soul of soul has been fraught with holes, even if it explodes, it will not damage the body.

Everything is under my control. Although a little girl ran out halfway, some caught me off guard, but I strategized. She helped me, hahaha ... "

The black puppet was obviously very proud, and he did not shy away from telling its plan.

The gray puppet didn't expect everything to be in the calculation of the black puppet. It knew that it had lost, and it had lost.

Even without a black puppet, it can't hold on for long.

It is not reconciled, so many years of forbearance planning is actually a joke.

The black puppet seemed to enjoy the process of torture, so he was not in a hurry, and turned to look at Yun Chujiu whose face was condensing.

It smiled: "How is it, little girl? Are you surprised? You are a typical clever person who is mistaken by cleverness. Don't think that there is only one smart person in the world.

However, I really like dealing with smart people.

You discard your summon beast and switch to my mountain tribe, I will spare you not to die, how? "

Xiao Jinyun, who has always eaten melons: "..."

There are countless harmonious words flashed in its heart, and it is a thousand words into a sentence: "Sovereign, kill it!"

As early as when Yunchujiu entered the forbidden area, Xiao Jinyun was taken away by the mass of gold.

Xiao Jinyun is used to it. When he sees golden puppets these times, the golden group will "take the house".

It has also guessed the reason why the golden group did so. It is estimated that it is afraid of being discovered by the totems of other tribes.

It even guessed that the original totem of the Yun tribe was not annihilated. Dashaxing did this to cover up this matter.

Yun Chujiu didn't know this, but she couldn't abolish Xiao Jinyun.

She knew in her heart that even if she succumbed, the future would be difficult.

Since the black puppet could endure a bureau for millions of years, the mind must be suspicious and suspicious, and then maybe find an excuse to kill her.

Instead of returning to the black puppet, she said to the gray puppet: "Little gray, are you ready to give up like this?"

Do n’t look at the **** blows of the black and white, it is just the end of the crossbow.

Otherwise why is it so slow to start?

As long as you clenched your teeth, maybe you will be defeated! "

(End of this chapter)

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