Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9172: Dragging Soul of Fire

Chapter 9172 Soul Refining Flame

Xiao Jinyun wondered, was he scared?

No, although Dashaxing is terrible, but after all, he hasn't done it yet, and it shouldn't feel like that.

Yun Chujiu and others were all in a daze, why didn't they move?

Xu Shu, the stone ball moved like a wind, moving forward for a while and moving backward for a while.

Everyone was confused about the situation and stopped the attack temporarily.

Yun Chujiu's eyes suddenly lighted up: "The pinnacle, is it you? I knew you wouldn't die, good kind! Get rid of that black bastard!"

The sound of black puppetry rushed into the stone ball:

"Smelly girl, you think it's beautiful! Although Shidan still has a trace of soul, it is not my opponent at all.

Wait for me to clean it up, then clean you up! "

Yun Chujiu said with a grin: "Don't brag about it! If you can suppress the pinnacle, why would you retreat?

After all, this stone gallbladder is the pinnacle of others. You are a dove in the dove's nest, and the pinnacle of others is the genuine owner.

It won't take long for the peak to kill you, depending on how arrogant you are! "

The black puppet became more and more irritable: "You are nonsense! When I draw some more power, I will definitely destroy it."

Yun Chujiu touched his chin and said, "Right, don't you mean to explode the peak puppet? Why is it still jumping around alive?"

The black puppet is actually very puzzled. It stands to reason that it has exploded the peak puppet with the soul of the nine-finger old man. Why didn't it die?

Of course, it doesn't have much time to think about it now. It's important to seize the time to extract the power of the summoning beasts of the mountain tribes.

As long as it draws enough power, it can destroy the peak puppet.

Although Yun Chujiu has been banging with the black puppet, he has been thinking about how to help the peak puppet.

The difficulty is that the souls of the peak puppet and the black puppet are inside the stone ball, and these people outside of them can't help.

At this moment, the sound of soul refining fire pulsing in the consciousness:

"Well, do you need my help? Just feed me a bunch of flames, and I can shine!"

"You have a way to clean up the black puppet?" Yun Chujiu automatically filtered the latter sentence.

"If I hadn't been able to clean him up before, but it's already a little waste now. I just rely on hiding in the stone ball.

If there is only himself in the stone ball, I still have no choice.

But now, it is in the stone ball with the original puppet master, and I can show my talents.

I am the soul-pulverizing soul, the best thing is to clean up the soul of the soul!

As long as I burn it, I can force it out, and then it can only be left to your disposal. "Spiritual refining of the soul of fiery soul said.

Yun Chujiu was first happy, and then worried: "The last time you devoured the heart of the earth, wouldn't it be seen?"

Soul refining said: "There is something wrong with what you are asking, can someone else see that you gnawed a roast chicken ten days ago ?!"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

"Besides, are you stupid ?! I now have the flame of stealth!

You can get my splits out! I don't need my main body to show up at all. "Spiritual refining of the soul of fiery soul said.

Yun Chujiu hated to slap herself, yeah, how did she forget this!

It's really clever for a while!

The remaining five chapters are updated at 6 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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