Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9181: Can I still have a face?

Chapter 9181 can I still make a face

Chief Huo and others listened to Yun Chujiu's words, but they were still somewhat uncertain.

Patriarch Huo said: "Little girl, your consciousness is not impaired, and now the sky is already dark, it is better to go back to rest and rest, this matter will be discussed tomorrow."

Yun Chujiu was not stupid again, knowing that he wanted to take her away.

However, she had to maintain her personal design and had nodded.

After she left, Chief Huo looked at Chief Yun: "This little girl is getting more and more mysterious. I now suspect that your cloud tribe's former totem is not annihilated.

If it were annihilated, she would not have inherited secret words at the critical moment before. "

Chief Yun said a little uncertainly: "This is not necessarily, maybe it has been inherited before, but it has not been triggered.

If there is no annihilation, why are the totems of several tribes not aware? "

Hearing this, Patriarch Huo was also a little uncertain.

"Don't say this first. What did you think of her proposal just now?" Asked the patriarch Jin.

Mu Chief frowned and said: "Although it is necessary, if the tribal totem is angered, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But if you do n’t ask, what do you do if the Tian Tribe is really going to have trouble? "

The Chief Tu Tu sighed: "I think the Tian Tribe will start soon! If not, they would not embarrass us in the Baqi secret realm before.

This shows that they are more unscrupulous. "

The crowd suddenly fell silent, and they had speculated about it before.

Although the Tian tribe has surpassed its status in recent years, it has not been too excessive.

Now it suddenly mentions the matter of Yuanshen sacrifice, obviously there is a cause.

After a moment of silence, Chief Huo gritted his teeth and said: "Instead of being so passive, it would be better to take the risk and ask. The little girl was right, just asking, the tribal totem might not be angry."

The Jin patriarch's eyes flashed and said: "I have an idea, you look at the appropriate and inappropriate."

Everyone was busy looking at him: "Hurry up!"

"If we ask our tribal totems, we might anger the tribal totems or even lower the punishment.

But Yun Chujiu's little girl enshrined the Yun tribe's first totem. Maybe the tribe totem would treat her differently, and wouldn't do anything to her.

Furthermore, the little girl was very clever and kind-hearted, maybe it could be done. Said the Patriarch Jin with a beard.

Several other patriarchs heard each other, looked at each other, and then nodded collectively. This method is good, very good!

Yun Chujiu, who had returned to the guesthouse, sneezed three times and couldn't help whispering. It must have been the old man who was whispering to her, and he certainly didn't settle down.

But she did not expect it anyway, several patriarchs would make such a decision.

So, when she heard the news the next day, she was stunned.

Can I still make a face? !

That's your tribal totem. Why should I ask?

You are afraid of being punished by the tribe totem, am I not afraid? !

However, she thought about it again, which was not entirely a bad thing.

Maybe she can fooling a few tribal totems on her side, which is a big help.

Furthermore, she also wanted to investigate the summoning beast's news, rather than relying on others to ask herself.

So, after a moment of consternation, she said with a stern expression: "Since all the seniors believe me, then I will not insult the mission!"

Several patriarchs saw her promise so refreshingly, and gave her a higher evaluation.

This little girl is really a perfect girl!

Even the Shi patriarch who was previously pitted by Yun Chujiu agrees with this view. The reason why he was pitted in the past was because of himself ... not something.

(End of this chapter)

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