Chapter 9190 Quickly Scroll

After the black mushroom was shocked, he questioned: "This is impossible! How could I be poisoned ?! You must be wrong!

What a bad girl! You must be jealous that I have water mushrooms and hot spring blisters, so I made up such a reason, I have to blow you up today! "

Black Mushroom floated out of the hot spring pond, and wanted to blow Yun Chujiu to death.

Then it saw that Yunchu Jiu jumped into the hot spring pool.

The black mushroom is so angry that this stinky girl is really cunning!

She determined that it was reluctant to blow up the hot spring pool, so she hid inside.

Yun Chujiu smiled at it: "Master Black Mushroom, why are you so anxious to make a conclusion ?!

It ’s easy to confirm that what I ’m saying is true or not. You ’re not going to eat edible mushrooms or soak them in the hot spring pool for a few days.

If there is improvement, it means that I am right. If there is no improvement, it is not too late to ask me to settle the bill. "

Black Mushroom didn't express his position immediately, don't look at it screaming. In fact, I also believed in Yun Chujiu's words.

After a while, it said: "All right, then I will try.

However, you can't leave the forbidden area, you have to stay here all the time, lest I can't find anyone to settle the bill. "

Yun Chujiu doesn't matter, it's the same everywhere.

Besides, she also coveted those water mushrooms!

Although this thing can make people excited, but the presence of dog tail grass will have no effect on her.

Black Mushroom saw Yunchujiu agreed and dropped the sentence: "You are waiting here!"

Then it drifted away.

Yun Chujiu couldn't figure out what it was doing for a moment, and he simply picked up a few water mushrooms to feed the dog's tail grass.

The dog's tail grass moved to cry.

The little girl with a black heart hasn't been so good with it for a long time!

At this time, a loud noise came from a distance.

Yun Chujiu looked up and saw that the direction was where the Tu Patriarchs were.

Would n’t it be the old men who were bombed?

At this time, the Tu Tuan and others on the other side were quite embarrassed.

Although they did not get bombed by their own cultivation, they still splashed all over the soil.

Especially the Patriarch Tu, he saw the black mushroom floating and knelt on the ground respectfully, so he hid a little slowly.

One can imagine the suffocation of the old man!

He didn't say anything, didn't do anything, why did the totem explode?

Chief Yun and others are also depressed. This totem of the Tu tribe is really unreasonable!

They are not from the Tu tribe, and they did not provoke it, as for this? !

Is Yun Chujiu angry at it?

If this is the case, go and fry her! Why did you blow them up?

When everyone was holding back, the black mushroom urn said in a gruff voice: "You can go! When will I let you come, and you come again.

If you dare to disobey my orders, I will blow you up! "

The Tu Tu chief asked with courage: "So, what about Yunchujiu?"

"Why are you so crap? Hurry up!" Black Mushroom said impatiently.

The Patriarch Chief Gaba Gaba mouthed, he just did not dare to say more.

The Yun patriarch and others also silently closed their mouths. It was not that they were too counseling. It was the pit on the ground that was still smoking black smoke, which made them feel nervous.

They comforted themselves, and there was no cracking sound deep inside the forbidden ground, so the little girl should be fine.

Furthermore, listening to what the black mushroom says, it should be that Yun Chujiu will stay temporarily, maybe Yun Chujiu really has a way to treat its insomnia.

So, everyone walked away in disgrace.

(End of this chapter)

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