Chapter 9197 Love

Er Gouzi persuaded himself, forget it, for a while, calm and calm, stepped back to the sea and the sky, his Er Gouzi has no other advantages, but can tolerate.

Not to mention anything else, if you change to another dog, can you chew the cabbage gang for so long? !

It can!

So, it is a petty dog! It's a dog that can bend and stretch! It's a big dog!

After the two dogs persuaded themselves, they flattered:

"Sir Black Mushroom, you are right! Even an ugly monster like me, even if reincarnated a hundred times, is not as good as one in 10,000 of your looks.

I'm glad now, fortunately, I am a dog. If I were a monster mushroom, I would be ashamed to hit the wall and kill myself if you had such a perfect male like you.

Well, can you promise me a humble request?

I want to worship your beauty in flourishing time, and then go back and draw a portrait to motivate myself.

Big guys like you who can obviously rely on good looks have worked so hard. Why would n’t a small weak chicken like me not work hard? ! "

The black mushroom feels light and fluffy, and the cap is dizzy, which is a hundred times more comfortable than soaking in the hot spring pool.

Even when I saw the Destiny Mushroom just now, it seemed that I was not so comfortable in my heart.

What is it like? it's wired.

The black mushroom suddenly sinks in his heart. This is not what the black heart cloud said to it ... love?

Does it ... fall in love with this ugly dog?

Black mushroom instantly felt that the whole mushroom was not good!

How could it fall in love with an ugly dog? What a special thing is a male!

However, that black heart cloud told it that love can cross all obstacles, does it really fall in love with this ugly dog?

Black Mushroom thought of this, glanced at Er Gouzi, and then almost vomited!

too ugly!

It must have been an illusion just now!

It is just in love with the little scoop just now, and it is impossible to fall in love with such a thing!

That black heart cloud must be lying to it again!

What an abomination!

If it hadn't been burped, you had to find it, um, you can't tell the old.

In addition, this dead dog is also abhorrent, even talking indiscriminately, almost made him mistaken ..., it was **** it!

Er Gouzi didn't speak when he saw the black mushroom, and he seemed to "look" at it strangely. He was so upset. Did he fart on the horseshoe?

According to common sense, shouldn't it promise to be dizzy?

Then, it can return to the "portrait" of the spirit beast bag.

It will be casually rubbed by then, three days have passed, and only it can come up with such a bright and bald idea.

When Er Gouzi was thinking, Black Mushroom's voice was slightly distorted and said:

"Want to give me a portrait, right? You do n’t have to go back and paint, just paint now!

Give you two hours, if it is not like painting, I will blow you up!

By the way, do n’t you say you adore me? Then draw on your knees! "

Ergouzi dumbfounded!

Where can it be painted? ! Also, draw on your knees?

It seems to have dug itself a pit.

However, until now, it is not easy to regret, so he had to ask for a drawing board and pen, and pretended to start painting.

Anyway, there are still two hours of time to find a way. If you ca n’t, just ask the little fairy for help. It is also her dog anyway.

Black Mushroom didn't want to see Er Gouzi anymore, but thought of the feeling of fluttering before, he couldn't help but glance at Er Gouzi.

Then, I almost vomited again!

It looks too cold!

It finally confirmed that this was not love!

Because love is definitely not for spicy eyes!

Tomorrow, continue to sell, sell and ask for tickets, why not!

(End of this chapter)

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