Chapter 9199 Is this love?

Black Mushroom felt that he had to find someone who knew him, otherwise it would be too much torture!

It had no other choice, so it found Yun Chujiu.

At this time, Yun Chujiu was reading the storybook with relish, with the cover of "The Pearl of the World".

Black Mushroom has never read the book, and after seeing the name with some curiosity, he asked, "What is it written in here? Is it pretty?"

Yun Chujiu said casually: "It's okay, it's a love story of the Hai nationality, not the Hai nationality of the Baqi region, but the Hai nationality of both continents."

Hearing the word love, Black Mushroom immediately excited, and asked: "Then you briefly describe it to me."

Yun Chujiu said with a smile: "It was a man of the walrus clan who was caught by a demon shell while collecting pearls, and was rescued by a man of the octopus clan.

The walrus man was very grateful and gave the pearl to the octopus man, and the two had an intersection.

Later, hey, you know. "

The black mushrooms are in the clouds, and the ones in the front can understand, but the ones in the back cannot understand. What do I understand? I do not understand!

Annoyed, he directly grabbed the script with mycelium, and then quickly looked through it.

Then it got it.

The walrus man actually fell in love with the octopus man. This was intolerable by the sea clan. After a life-and-death relationship, the two were together.

The black mushroom seems to open the door to a new world.

It seems that the black heart cloud did not lie to it, and love can indeed overcome all obstacles.

Then it treats the ugly dog ​​...

Black Mushroom pondered for a while, and it seemed that something was not right.

So, he coughed and asked: "I ask you, if you hear someone talking, you will feel very comfortable, and want him to keep saying, it is best not to stop, is this love?"

Yun Chujiu thought that the black mushrooms were sentimentally read after reading the words, so he said: "That must be ah! If you don't like each other, how could you want to keep listening to each other?

When two people are together, the first thing is to be attractive to each other. "

Black Mushroom heard the words, silently, silently burrowed into the soil.


It really seems to be love!

It and the ugly dog ​​seemed to be attractive to each other, and it was willing to listen to it.

It's a bit desperate. It waited at night for millions of years, and it turned out to be ... an ugly dog? What a special! Still a male!

Knowing this already, it might as well sleep well!

With such a thought, it seems a bit sleepy. It has been a long time since I have felt this way.

Suddenly it seems like sleeping, it is best not to fall asleep, because it can not accept such a painful fact.

So, the black mushroom ... fell asleep.

Poor Er Gouzi didn't know that the black mushroom was asleep, and knelt there to meditate on how to keep the dog's head.

Two hours later, Er Gouzi found that the black mushroom did not appear.

He turned his dog's eyes, and then looked around thieves, greeted with courage: "Master Black Mushroom? Master Black Mushroom?"

Still nothing.

Ergouzi thought badly, wouldn't he get retribution, burp?

It waited for a while, and still didn't see the black mushroom appear, before it collapsed on the ground.

After kneeling for two hours, his legs were numb, and he felt that he was now a dead dog!

After a while, it stood up with a thief's eyebrows and got close to Yun Chujiu, who was still reading the book, and lowered his voice and asked:

"Little fairy, where is the black mushroom?"

(End of this chapter)

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