Chapter 9209 The Brain Is Bad

Where does the tree of life know the idea of ​​the dog's tail grass, it said sullenly: "Hand over the debris, otherwise you're welcome to blame me."

The dog's tail grass is still immersed in his own world, and Yun Chujiu, who has become so angry, roared: "Dog tail, do you want to die ?!"

Even if you can get the fragments today, if you ca n’t do it, you will wait for me! "

The dog's tail grass was so screamed by her that she finally relieved herself.

However, its eyes fell on the tree of life in front of it, and it was a little dizzy, and then showed a silly smile, murmured:

"You look good!"

tree of Life:"……"

Chief Mu and others: "..."

The Tree of Life glanced at the branch that strangled the little girl, and said, I didn't use too much effort, is it stupid?

If it was n’t stupid, why did he smile like a fool?

"Less nonsense, hand over the fragments!"

Dogtail grass is more or less sensible now, listening to the tree of life saying, busy saying:

"No problem! Don't say it's a fragment, it's just that you want me to die. I have nothing to say.

You look so beautiful, and your character is so special, all the good things in the world should be yours. "

Yun Chujiu was so angry that this **** licking dog!

Others present, including the tree of life, were also startled by the rainbow farts of the dogtail grass.

At this time, Dogtail Grass said:

"Well, I want to ask, will you decide to make boy paper or girl paper in the future?

I think it is more appropriate for you to make girl paper because you are so beautiful! "

The tree of life suddenly became angry and angry: "You are too wide to manage! Hurry up and hand over the fragments, otherwise I will really start."

The tree of life said that the branches were tightening, and the dog's tail felt that he was going to be out of breath.

"I take it, I take it, it's just that you put my cultivation into imprisonment, I can't take it out!"

Bai Meng flashed on the branch of life and said, "Hand it over now!"

The dog's tail grass pretended to be stunned for a while, and then said, "How do I pay it? I didn't restore it to repair!"

The tree of life was stunned, only to be surprised to find that the little girl still had no cultivation for fluctuations, what's going on?

It has obviously withdrawn the prohibition just now. Why hasn't her practice been restored?

It tried again and again, and it still does.

The dog's tail grass can't help but be proud of it, its condition is different from that of winning, even the most powerful people can't see the core change.

It saw the tree of life in front of it, especially those fallen branches, itchy in its heart.

Tolerated, but could not help but stretch out his paws.

The Tree of Life pumped it hard: "Bold! What do you want to do?"

The dog's tail was wronged and said: "I just want to study how to release the imprisonment, what are you doing so fiercely?"

tree of Life:"……"

What kind of spoils are you a little girl at me?

It suddenly thought of the question that the dog's tail grass asked whether it would be a female or a male.

This little girl wouldn't be a dog's courageous want ... Marry it?

Even if it decides to be a male in the future, it is impossible to marry a human!

This little girl is really overwhelming!

Gee, what's even more stupid is to deliberately talk back?

The mouth said to make it a female, in fact, I certainly hope that it will be a male.

This little girl looks pretty good, just a brain ... not easy to use.

Update the remaining four chapters at six.

(End of this chapter)

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