Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9211: Yesterday yellow flower

Chapter 9211 Yellow Flower Yesterday

Patriarch Tu and others were also stunned. Which one did Yun Chujiu sing? Do you want to use ... beauty plan?

She doesn't want to think about it, can this planted spirit have the same aesthetics as humans? !

Besides, the Tree of Life does n’t know if it ’s a female or a male. Is n’t she afraid to make a mistake?

The most important thing is, what if the tree of life becomes angry and angry? !

Alas, it's really nonsense!

Yun Chujiu was also very angry, but she had no choice but to watch the dog's tail and continue to be a demon.

After hearing the words of the dog's tail grass, the tree of life started to play tricks and said, "I want to find a companion, but it is hard to find a confidant.

In fact, I heard you talked quite interesting. "

Hearing the dog's tail, he suddenly felt as tall as two feet tall!

Hey hello!

Is the goddess confessing to it? !

Well, be confident and remove "bar"!


Its dog's tail is indeed a world grass male, and it captures the goddess's heart without effort.

It endured excitement and his voice trembled a little: "Actually, in fact, I also think you are very connotative. I am willing to stay with you all the time. Would you like to?"

Mu chief and others almost fainted!

How is the development of things getting weird? !

However, even now they can't get in their hands. They can only round their eyes and straighten their ears to eat melon.

There was a slight smile in the voice of the tree of life: "Will you be with me? Is it true?"

The dog's tail nodded desperately: "Really, truer than pearls! The moon can represent my heart!"

"OK, then I will strangle you now, so you can stay with me all the time!"

Dog's tail grass:"……"

"Oh, you are so funny!

However, if I can really die in your hands, this is also my honor, after all, so that you can remember me for life. "

The tree of life saw the dog's tail grass look not like a fake, and it shuddered for some reason.

Its voice was a little low: "Then why do you feel so affectionate to me? As far as I know, shouldn't we have seen it before?"

"This is love at first sight!

When I saw you for a moment, I realized what flourishing flowers and empty valleys are all yellow flowers yesterday.

Whether it's your thousands of branches or your shining light, it makes me unsustainable.

If this is just a preference for appearance, but our communication just now made me understand that we know each other, we are a natural couple! Said the dog's tail grass affectionately.

Its words haven't been read in vain in recent years. Looking at this literary talent, it can be comparable to that of Bacchu!

Where has the tree of life seen such a battle, it was really bluffed.

Not to mention it, even Mu Patriarch and others were dumbfounded. Yun Chujiu didn't care much about this little girl, and the skill of this tree was first-rate.

The Tree of Life was silent for a moment before saying, "You know, we are two species? Don't you care?"

Cao Xin of the dog's tail said that grass and trees are both planting spirits, but if subdivided, they are also two species.

Unexpectedly, the goddess is quite real!

It said busy: "Of course I don't care! In fact, we just have some gaps in our heads, but it doesn't matter. I'll practice well. In the future, our body shape will match.

The heart of the tree of life said, even if you are a little boy, it is impossible to be on the side of me for a million years of practice.

But that's okay, when I am in the future to become a humanoid figure, it will naturally be like a match.

(End of this chapter)

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