Chapter 9217 Good Things

Although the head of the Mu family had doubts, he still handed over two pieces to Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu walked forward while taking a chance, and others had to follow behind.

It wasn't until he arrived at the study room of the patriarch Mu that the patriarch Mu asked, "What the **** is going on? Don't the totems not let you go?"

Yun Chujiu drank a cup of tea and ate two pieces of pastries. Then he said:

"I have just said that all the responsibilities are on me. I am bizarre, I am half-hearted, I am not a thing.

I'm sorry Lord Totem, I'm not a person. "

What she said was smooth, but everyone always felt that this was not the case.

But here is a wood tribe after all, the tree of life can be explored at any time, so it is not easy to ask.

At this moment, Chief Yun said: "Which tribe are you going to go to next?"

Yun Chujiu clicked on the fruit and said, "Still close to the principle, go to the Golden Tribe!"

After she finished speaking, she asked the Jin patriarch and asked, "Your golden tribe's totem is said to be of a peaceful nature, and it should not be rushed. Should you speak well?"

The Jin patriarch nodded: "Compared to several other tribal totems, our totem adults are indeed better at talking.

If you tell things the truth, it should be no problem. "

The looks of several other patriarchs have also been relaxed. The gold patriarchs are right. Totems belonging to the golden tribe in these tribal totems are best to speak.

To be precise, the Golden Tribe Totem is quite a hermit, and the state that has always been presented is unmatched.

The people simply ate some food and set off for the Golden Tribe.

During the meal, Chief Mu and others also showed her leaf cloak.

Although it is called a leaf cloak, but after weaving with secret words, the whole cloak is ample and colorful, and the original leaves cannot be seen at all.

At first glance is a good thing.

The head of the Mu clan was sour and sad that Master Totem gave such an excellent thing to Yun Chujiu, an outsider, and he turned his elbows!

The little girl also said that she was at fault, and asked him to say that it must have been the totem master's repentance.

Several other patriarchs are also envious, and the things brought out by the tree of life are certainly not ordinary goods. The little girl picked it up this time.

When we arrived at the Golden Tribe, it was dark.

The patriarch Jin had already arranged a banquet in the study room, so everyone went directly to the patriarch's study room.

After eating, the crowd went to the guest house to rest.

Yun Chujiu was so tired that day, very tired, when he was about to rest, Er Gouzi said:

"Little fairy, don't forget to let the dog's tail grass kneel to guard."

The grass of the dog's tail was pumping straight, this **** ugly dog!

Fortunately, Yun Chujiu refused.

Because Yun Chujiu felt that there was a little golden cloud outside, there was no need to let the dog's tail grass out.

What's more, in her eyes, the dog's tail grass is the ancestor that caused the trouble, and there is no good thing to release it.

Er Gouzi said again: "Then let me go out, anyway, I have seen the light now.

I have no other skills, and the vigilance skills are good. "

Yun Chujiu thought it would work, so it was safer, so he released Er Gouzi.

The dog's tail grass has just reacted, this **** second dog is intentional!

If the little girl let it go, Er Gouzi certainly wouldn't take the initiative to ask him to warn him because he was afraid of strangling his dog.

It doesn't matter, it's not too late for the dog's tail to avenge for ten years, just wait and see!

(End of this chapter)

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