Chapter 9222 No comment

The Jin patriarch and others guessed right, Yun Chujiu was playing alcohol and not pretending.

This product is a little missed, although the dogtail grass is not poisonous, but the wine is not poisonous!

Due to the great stamina of this wine, when the cargo was dizzy, there was no wine power, and when the wine power came up, it was too late to do anything.

Yun Chujiu pointed at Bai Jian's scolding, and it wasn't enough. He even walked to the front of the bamboo chair and said:

"A swordman who doesn't even have ass, is still learning to sit on a chair? Roll down, let me sit for a while, I'm a little dizzy."

The Jin patriarchs and others did not dare to show up. They were afraid that Bai Jian would be angry and angry, and the sword would kill Yun Chujiu.

They quickly pleaded: "Master Totem, she is drunk, don't you know her in general."

"Yeah, she is drunk at best, not intentional."


Bai Jian levitated to Yun Chujiu for a few strokes, but finally didn't do anything.

"Give her the hangover water!" Bai Jian said something like a bit of a bite.

Before the Jin patriarchs and others had time to move, Yun Chujiu kicked the bamboo chair where Bai Jian was located!

Bai Jian responded quite quickly and avoided it.

Even so, I felt that my face was completely lost and I was trembling with anger.

The Jin patriarchs and others felt that Bai Jian had to kill Yun Chujiu in a rage, but Bai Jian didn't do anything though he shivered like a small leaf in the wind.

It roared angrily:

"Are you all dead ?! Haven't you poured her sober water yet ?!"

The Jin patriarch and others awakened like a dream, and hurried to catch Yunchujiu.

However, although Yun Chujiu was drunk and staggered, the magic is that he was a little more flexible than usual.

In addition, she got into the bamboo forest with one end, and the Jin patriarch and others spent a long time before pouring the sober soup.

The effect of Xianjiu Tang was immediate. Yun Chujiu hiccupped and his eyes became clear.

It's just that this product is broken and I don't remember what I just did.

Fortunately, the two dogs in the Spirit Beast Bag repeated it to her, and she was even more puzzled this time. She made it like this, but Bai Jian could even bear it?

It's so strange!

She looked at Bai Jian and said, "I just fainted, so this pass failed, right?"

Bai Jian sneered and said, "You passed, because you are crazy about drinking, not fainting."

Chief Jin and others: "..."

Is this okay? !

After the second round, only five people were left: Shi Patriarch, Hai Patriarch, Huo Patriarch, Tu Patriarch, and Yun Chujiu.

These people are all masters of aging, and they can see it. Bai Jianming said that all people take the test. In fact, only Yun Chujiu wants to test.

And looking at this meaning, it is still a guarantee, what big move is brewing?

Even if they can see this, they are not easy to talk about and can only continue with their daring.

At this moment, Yun Chujiu straightened the fallen bamboo chair.

The Jin patriarch and other people said that this little girl was interesting, but at the next moment, they saw Yun Chujiu sitting on the bamboo chair.

Yun Chujiu stroked his forehead and said, "Master Totem, I feel dizzy. I will sit for a while. Do you have any opinion?"

Bai Jian shivered for a long while before squeezing out three words: "No opinion."

Yun Chujiu leaned back on the chair: "Since you have no opinion, then give me some more food, drinking on an empty stomach is too hurt!"

(End of this chapter)

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