Chapter 9224 Changing Swords

Although Yun Chujiu had speculation in her heart, she still deliberately confused, and she took out another sword.

Speaking of swords, there are 10,000 and 8,000 in her storage ring.

So, she took out the swords one by one, but didn't take out the broken sword.

Bai Jian also found some reasons at first, what quality is too bad, what materials are not good, what blades are not sharp, and later no reason at all, just two words-changing swords.

Yun Chujiu was not in a hurry. He slowly changed his swords one after another, and finally sat on the bamboo platform, dangling two little boots, a leisurely look.

On the other hand, Bai Jian is almost mad!

It can only repeat two words all the time-changing swords!

Later, it was simply a word-change!

The patriarch Jin and others were stupid!

The little girl is on the two sides of the universe ... selling swords, right? ! Otherwise why are there so many swords?

In addition, why did Bai Jian keep her changing swords?

Forget it, I can't guess anyway, just watch it silently!

At this glance, I saw that it was dark. Yun Chujiu was still holding the sword out, but Bai Jian let her continue to change the sword.

Yun Chujiu yawned: "I'm sleepy, otherwise it's not even today, let's continue tomorrow!"

Bai Jian is going crazy!

It feels that it is learned in the tribal totem. After all, it hasn't read less books for so many years, but why is it because of the elaborately planned bureau?

What's even more annoying is that it hasn't been possible to achieve the goal after so long. After knowing this for a long time, it's better to explain the intention directly.

Thinking of this, it broke the jar and said

"Fine! I don't have time to go around with you. Unless you take out the sword, I won't give you the fragments."

Yun Chujiu blinked: "Which sword is that?"

"You are less confused! If you don't want fragments, you can leave now!" Bai Jian said darkly.

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Yes, I don't want that fragment, let's see you back!"

Yun Chujiu said he was leaving, and Bai Jian was almost mad!

"Stop for me! If you don't take it out today, I will kill you!"

Yun Chujiu was not afraid of its threats at all, because if it could kill her, she would have done it for a long time.

In addition, she really does not understand the brain circuit of this white sword. If its goal is to break the sword, what is the use of the previous two games?

Is it to show its hermit fan?

Bai Jian saw Yunchu's oil and salt in the beginning, and said angrily: "Even if you don't care about the fragments, you are not afraid of death, you are not afraid that I will kill these idiots?"

Yun Chujiu shrugged his shoulders: "Slaughter if you want to slaughter!

However, I have to remind you that there are tribal totems behind them, and there are a few bad tempers. If you can bear the consequences, you will kill you, and I will never stop. "

Bai Jian is really crazy!

Yun Chujiu was right, it really didn't dare to kill them.

It was so annoying, so he ran into the bamboo forest and instantly cut down a large area of ​​the bamboo forest.

Go to the special hermit fan!

This thing is useless in front of rogue!

Seeing this scene, the Jin patriarchs and others were trembling, Yun Chujiu was ready to eat and drink, and greeted the Jin patriarchs to eat together.

Where did the Jin patriarchs and others eat, and they were so upset, how did it end?

(End of this chapter)

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