Chapter 9229 Jellyfish Totem

Emperor Tai? Jiu Mai left the bamboo forest with Fang Bu, this product has more confidence than before.

Bai Jian is her younger brother, about equal to her younger brother.

This golden tribe is hers!

The tree of life "reasons" to her, you can change your feelings at a critical moment.

Black Mushroom has a little meaning to Er Gouzi. Although it is a misunderstanding, it is also considered ... relative.

Also, the peak puppet of the mountain tribe has a good relationship with her.

In this way, she has already collected half of the eight tribes.

The Yun tribe is her old nest. Let me conclude by saying that the rest are the dragon tribe, the sea tribe and the fire tribe.

The situation of the dragon tribe is the same as that of the cloud tribe, you can also put it first, so go to the sea tribe and the fire tribe to borrow fragments first.

The Jin tribe is relatively close to the Hai tribe, so Yun Chujiu decided to go to the Hai tribe first.

She said in her heart that she did not know whether the Hai tribe and the Hai tribe had any relationship?

The master of the giant hand blends the things of the Hai tribe, what role does the Hai tribe play in it?

Is it an innocent person or a participant?

She also learned some basic conditions of the Hai tribe from the classics and other populations. The Hai tribe lives next to the sea. Although the land area can only be regarded as medium among the eight tribes, if it is the island area in Shanghai, it is definitely eight. The largest of the tribes.

Neither the Hai Patriarch nor the Hai tribe has a particularly strong presence, and it belongs to the role of playing soy sauce, but no one dares to underestimate them.

The reason is that their summoning beast has a special ability to gather energy into water.

As long as there is water vapor in the air, even if there is a little water vapor in the air, their summon beasts can condense it into water.

Don't underestimate this ability, if you encounter some emergency situations, this ability can save lives.

Of course, the summoning beasts of the sea clan are not only this ability, gathering energy into water is just their instinct.

They have other abilities, most of them are water attacks, and a few are venom or brute force attacks.

As for the totem of the Hai tribe, it can be described in two words: Buddhism.

It is said that this sea tribe's totem is lower than Bai Jian, a false hermit, and he stays on the sea floor on weekdays and rarely appears in front of people.

Even for various celebrations and blessings, the people of the Hai tribe are only performing on the sea, and it is good that the Hai tribe totem can appear once in ten times.

Even if it appears, it will not stay too long, and will soon re-enter the seabed.

It is rumored that the reason why this totem rarely shows up is that it is a giant jellyfish, so it cannot leave the sea for a long time.

On the way, the Hai patriarch saw Yun Chujiu asking about the jellyfish totem, and comforted:

"You can rest assured that our adult totem is not willing to involve some trouble, so it is estimated that I can't give that piece to you.

In addition, our totem adults have a gentle temperament and speak well. "

Yun Chujiu just listened to such words. He said that Bai Jian was a hermit before. What happened?

This jellyfish totem sounds very Buddhist, not necessarily so.

After listening to the words of the Hai patriarch, Xiao Jinyun squatting on Yunchujiu's shoulder said to himself, Is this Hai clan's totem turned out to be a jellyfish?

This is too weak chicken, right?

Anyway, make a demon beast!

Even chubby dolphins are better than jellyfish.

However, when it comes to the word jellyfish, it is a little kind. After all, it still pretended to be a jellyfish while in the Hai clan!

After a while, it would be fun again.

There are still things to do tomorrow, and it is expected to be updated at nine in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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