Chapter 9231 I am a poor light egg

How proud of Er Gouzi was, now how lonely.

I thought I could press the dog's tail and weed them, and I ended up rejoicing.

When it was disturbing, Yun Chujiu let it out to watch the night.

Er Gouzi turned his eyes and stared at the wooden box on the table, which was a great opportunity for merit.

Based on its ingenuity and analysis, the shaking just now must have been made by a red skull. This must be slipping!

Huh, it's really not a long memory!

Last time I was caught back by Da Shaxing, but I still want to slip this time?

It doesn't want to think about it, Dashaxing is in Xiaojinyun, can it slip away?

What's more, there is this good janitor who wants to run? no way!

Er Gouzi was a little sleepy after staring for a while, but it had a good way of refreshing, that is, wanting all kinds of delicious, roast chicken, braised ribs, meat bones, roast goose, roasted whole sheep ...

When Er Gouzi was drooling, he saw a crack opened in the wooden box, and a red skeleton hand bone protruded from it.

Er Gouzi's eyes lit up suddenly and came!

Huh, **** bone essence, didn't you say this little box is your eternal home last time? Be patient, don't come out!

The skeleton's hand bones waved a few times, presumably in a trial, and when there was no movement, the wooden box opened little by little, and a skull was found.

Er Gouzi was about to report, and a roast chicken was thrown in front of it.

Ergouzi sneered in his heart. Ergouzi was loyal to the little fairy, could it be bought by a roast chicken? ! This bone essence is too small to look at its two dogs!

Besides, Zun Shang is still watching, how could it make such a low-level mistake? !

So Ergouzi endured the saliva and didn't touch the roast chicken.

A roast duck was thrown over.

Er Gouzi: Huh, my Er Gouzi can't be prostitute, mighty can't succumb, how can he eat such a ridiculous food? !

A roast goose appeared in front of it.

Er Gouzi: My loyalty to the little fairy can be learned from the moon and the moon. How can every goose roast move me? !

A roast suckling pig scented before it.

The two dogs swallowed, and looked around. They saw that the little golden cloud in the bedroom did not come out, and then lowered his voice and asked:

"Bone essence, Minggou doesn't tell secret words, what do you want me to do?"

It suddenly wanted to understand that the red skull would not be stupid. He fled in front of Dashaxing. There should be other things to ask for it.

As long as it is not a matter of betraying the little fairy, it can still help. After all, everyone is a brother who has fought together and cannot be too unforgiving.

The red skull heard this, and then came out of the wooden box, and said with a sigh: "Two dogs, I know that these spirit pets, only you are a good person, no, good dog.

You help me once, I can't treat you badly. "

Er Gouzi said impatiently while paying attention to Xiao Jinyun's movements: "Let's talk about these useless things, and just say that.

Let me talk about it first. If you borrow money, you do n’t have to say it. I do n’t have any crystals. I ’m a poor egg. "

Er Gouzi is telling the truth, it really has no money.

It thinks very well, even if you get money from the little fairy, she will have to go back to the pit sooner or later, might as well be a poor man.

In this way, she can still leave a good impression of not being greedy for money.

As for the wife, it believes that the little fairy will not treat it badly, and will certainly not let it be wronged because of money.

The idiot of Gu Jing Jing didn't want to understand this. He even dreamed of pitting the fairy's money. It was a dream.

Coming back late, two chapters are updated at ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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