Chapter 9233 Like Her

Ergouzi almost fainted!

It has never suffered such a big loss, and it feels ashamed and disgraceful to feel that the IQ has been stomped on a few feet!

Damn bones!

My two dogs, as long as they still have a breath, we must get back the place where we are today!

Er Gouzi couldn't help but grief from it. He used to laugh at the dog's tail grass before, but now it's better. It's more eye-catching than the dog's tail grass.

Shame is one thing, how does it explain to the little fairy?

The bone essence slipped away under its eyelids, and the fine investigation was due to its gluttony.

If it ignores these temptations and confusions at the beginning, it wakes up the little fairy directly, maybe the bone essence can't run away.

It's really wrong, I'm sorry for the little fairy's trust in it.

Er Gouzi thought of this and couldn't help crying and weeping:

"Little fairy, I'm damn! You just fell to death, I forget it. I'm a waste of food when I'm alive. I'm stupid and bad. I deserve a single dog!"

Yun Chujiu said impatiently: "Okay, what's going on?"

Ergouzi cried while telling the story, and slapped himself several times.

Yun Chujiu kicked the stone on the ground with his toes and looked at the two dogs with a snot and tears, and said:

"The following is not an example."

After talking, she turned and re-entered the bedroom.

Er Gouzi's confused face, this is over?

The little fairy didn't punish it?

The main thing is, why is she so calm?

Should n’t we scold it first, then scold the bone essence of the wolf dog ’s lungs? !

It asked carefully, but did not dare.

It is now guilty, not a pet dog.

It did not sleep in the middle of the night, one-third of the time was used to curse the red skull, one-third of the time to confess his mistakes, and another one-third of his time to worry about his future.

The next morning, after Yun Chujiu finished washing, Er Gouzi tentatively said:

"Little fairy, that **** bone essence has run away from home again, why are you in a hurry and not angry?"

Yun Chujiu said indifferently: "It's willing to run and run, since its heart is not with me, it cannot be retained."

Er Gouzi busy flattered and said: "Little fairy, you really have an open mind, and most people certainly can't reach your level."

As soon as its voice fell, Yun Chujiu said:

"Sooner or later it will fall into my hands. At that time, I will crush it into bone residue, and then throw the bone residue into the pit."

Er Gouzi: When I just said nothing.

Yun Chujiu was of course very angry. The red skull escaped again and again, and she frequently performed small movements. If she was not angry, she would become a saint.

However, since she had already run away, her anger was of no avail.

The top priority now is to collect five pieces of debris, and have no time to catch it.

Moreover, Yun Chujiu always felt that she would encounter it again sooner or later, and was not in a hurry to find it.

As for Er Gouzi, she scared herself enough without her punishment, and slapped her several times, almost the same.

The most important point is that Ergouzi is different from the dog's tail grass.

The dog's tail grass must be packed, otherwise it is not honest.

Er Gouzi has always been loyal to her, and occasionally making small mistakes is also forgivable.

To be honest, among these spiritual pets, Yun Chujiu's most eccentric is Er Gouzi.

The reason is simple, Ergouzi ... like her.

All of them are those who are unable to rely on their mouths and IQ to eat together.

Tomorrow it will be updated at 9pm.

(End of this chapter)

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