Chapter 9246 Mud Monkey

Yun Chujiu didn't bother to explain after hearing their guesses, so he agreed with them.

After a night of rest in the Hai tribe, Yun Chujiu took several patriarchs to the Huo tribe.

On the way, Yun Chujiu warned the soul-pulverizing soul to let it stay in the palm of his hand, and don't show his feet, otherwise things will definitely be worse.

Soul refining fire pledges vowed to make a determination, saying that he will be obedient and obedient this time, and will never steal or show his feet.

When Yun Chujiu saw it, he said nothing more.

After arriving at the Huo tribe, Chief Huo said:

"In order to save time, we don't have to go to the holy volcano anymore. I will recite secrets directly in the Totem Temple early tomorrow morning, and I should be able to invite Lord Totem."

Everyone listened to nature's aspirations. The temperature near the holy volcano was very high, and they were not very used to it.

Originally, Huo Patriarch had to arrange a dinner, but everyone declined.

Now the five pieces are just the last one and they are all together, and everyone is not in a mood to eat, drink or drink.

Yun Chujiu just entered the arranged guest house, and Xiao Jinyun jumped to the ground to write.

Yun Chujiu raised an eyebrow: "Do you want Huo Haotian's fire lion to burn you?"

After getting affirmative answer from Xiao Jinyun, Yun Chujiu asked people to find Huo Haotian.

Huo Haotian ’s attitude towards Yun Chujiu has changed dramatically. First, Yun Chujiu ’s contribution to the Baqi secret realm. Second, he was severely warned by Huo Patriarch. His legs.

It's just that when he heard Yun Chujiu's request, it was a look of ignorance.


Let his fire lion burn her cloud pet?

Isn't she setting?

After repeated confirmation, and after getting permission from Huo Patriarch, Huo Haotian accompanied Yun Chujiu to the test site.

The fire lion is also very embarrassed, and it is the first time he saw the summoned beast that caught up with the catcher.

However, the master ’s orders cannot be disobeyed, and can only be followed.

Xiao Jinyun was soon crying!

Although the tears were dried up by the fire lion last time, but this time recovered some.

It is estimated that after this time, I have to do it again.

When Xiao Jinyun didn't want to live, Yun Chujiu couldn't do it.

Although this fire lion is not comparable to a different fire or fire pith, it is also quite delicious!

How good would it be to take a bite, or secretly take a bite? Just a sip.

Anyway, the fire tribe totem is on the holy volcano, and it will not notice anything at all.

Besides, with only a small bite, the fire lion would have a pain, thinking that it was excessively worn by itself, and would never doubt anything else.

This was done as soon as it was said. After the fire lion burned the little golden cloud, he bite the fire lion with a split.

The fire lion screamed and looked around, but didn't find any strange things, so he thought that he was just wasting too much and didn't think about it.

Yun Chujiu's attention was all on the half-dead Xiao Jinyun, so he didn't pay attention.

Xiao Jinyun is really miserable at this time!

I just fell directly ... in the mud pit, like a mud monkey.

Originally, there was no mud pit in the test site, but Xiao Jinyun just dropped so many tears that a mud pit appeared below.

Yun Chujiu washed Xiao Jinyun with water for a while, then froze.

There are a few more red lines on Xiao Jinyun, and it seems to be a big circle.

Could it be advanced?

Yun Chujiu asked deliberately, but Xiao Jinyun seemed to have passed out, so she had to stuff it into the sleeve.

Huo Haotian: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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