Chapter 9250 You Bluff Me

Everyone's gaze focused on Yun Chujiu, but Yun Chujiu had no time to take care of it, because the skin of his right hand would be burnt.

She shook her right hand subconsciously, and then a cluster of flames shook off, and when it fell to the ground, it became two clusters of flames, and she was working hard together.

In Yun Chujiu's consciousness, he remembered Xiao Huomu's weak voice: "This, it really depends on me. I don't know that I will step up suddenly. I can't control it."

Yun Chujiu was so angry that her head was buzzing, and before she had time to say anything, she heard the Huo tribe totem:

"Earth Fire Heart! I smell the heart fire heart!

Okay, you stinky girl, the heart of the earth was stolen by you!

You are playing me like a fool!

I must burn you to death today! "

Huo and Shi patriarchs were shocked at first, and then looked at Yun Chujiu with a complicated look.

Yun Chujiu is almost inexplicable and has never been so embarrassed.

Although she did not do such bad things, she was never exposed on the spot!

What should we do now?

Admit it or not?

If admitted, her reputation is stained, which is extremely detrimental to the next plan.

If you don't admit it, you have to start with the Fire Tribe Totem and let it change its tongue.

These thoughts were completed in an instant, and she was shocked and innocent looking at the fire tribe totem:

"Master Totem, what do you say? How can I not understand?

This is the conjoined flame that I brought from the two continents of heaven and earth. What does it have to do with the heart of the earth? "

The Fire Tribe Totem snorted coldly: "You are less quibble, but I am familiar with the smell of the fire heart of the earth's heart. You have its breath on this flame, it must have eaten the fire heart of the earth's heart."

Yun Chujiu was even more wronged this time!

"I was in the Huo Tribe when the accident happened that day, and I didn't have time to do it.

Besides, if you look at me like a weak chicken, how can you devour the heart of fire? !

As for the smell you mentioned, maybe it was framed by people, just to make us suspect each other.

If you don't believe it, I can swear to heaven that if the heart's heart is eaten by the Siamese fire heart, it will make me thunder and die. "

The mercy said, anyway, the soul of refining soul is not one-piece, so this oath does not count.

It doesn't matter if it's counting, it's just a thunderstorm!

The fire tribe totem said disapprovingly: "You said that these are useless, unless you give me this one-piece fire pith, otherwise you are a fire thief!"

Yun Chujiu: "..."

You reason with others, others play with you horizontally.

She thought for a while and said, "Master Totem, so you let everyone else quit, and I tell you something, you know if I am innocent."

Although the Fire Tribe Totem feels that it is not necessary to do this, but it seems that Yun Chujiu has some friendship with the other tribe totems, so it is better for her to surrender the Siamese Fire.

So, said: "You all go out, I will talk to her alone."

After everyone went out, the Fire Tribe Totem said impatiently: "What do you want to say?"

Yun Chujiu pointed to the small red cloud mark between his eyebrows: "The emperor Yun is not annihilated, it is always there."

The Huo Tribe Totem was surprised, and then sneered: "You rarely use its name to bluff me. I checked it last time, and I didn't notice its breath."

Yun Chujiu smiled: "If you could perceive, wouldn't the Tribe also perceive it ?! If you don't believe it, I will show it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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