Chapter 9262 Error

The invincible honey badger muttered: "If you don't believe it, you will dig, then you can't dig anything."

Yun Chuji raised an eyebrow: "How do I listen, you are very determined? Could you know what?"

"What can I know ?! Me, I just dug a few holes here, and there is nothing below, so I will say that.

Believe it or not, if you don't believe it, pull it down. Anyway, it's the ugly one who is tired. Said the invincible honey badger.

Yun Chujiu felt that the invincible honey badger's reaction was a bit overdone, presumably because there was no way to get revenge from the Raksha Poison Bat, and he would be a little bit angry.

At this time, Su Yanran said: "It should be almost, you come over and do as I said."

Yun Chujiu wondered: "I didn't find anything. What did you let me do in the past?"

"What do you know ?! Didn't you see the soil color change ?!" Su Yanran scorned.

Yun Chujiu stood up and looked around, it was really different.

The upper soil is gray-brown, while the soil exposed underneath is reddish red.

After jumping into the pit, she asked, "What should I do?"

Although she knew that Su Yanran was not well-intentioned, she didn't need to turn her face before seeing specific things, she still had to do what she said.

Otherwise, she looks like a headless fly, and I am afraid she cannot find what she is looking for. After all, she does not even know what she is looking for.

"I recite a secret phrase, you learn a sentence, and you are wrong." Su Yanran said.

Seeing Yun Chujiu nodded, she recited a sentence, and Yun Chujiu learned a sentence.

Although the secret words are very complicated and obscure, Yun Chujiu recites nothing.

Su Yanran said heartily, the other skills of this rice bowl are not very good, this memory is quite good.

When the third sentence was recited, the bead floated.

Su Yanran said another sentence, Yun Chujiu had just recited halfway, and the sound of invincible honey badger sounded in the consciousness.

Yun Chujiu was so distracted that he accidentally said the wrong word, and the originally suspended beads fell down.

Yun Chujiu quickly reached out to catch it, but if it broke, there was no place to cry.

Su Yanran frowned: "Don't you always boast and never forget ?! Why did you make a mistake?"

Yun Chujiu was not easy to say anything, so he said: "I am a little confused, I will take a break."

Su Yanran felt that Yun Chujiu was intentional. He had been taking a break just now, but now he has to take another break.

However, she turned to think that without her participation, Yun Chujiu could not find anything at all, and eventually had to cooperate with her.

So she just said impatiently: "Then hurry up!"

After Yun Chujiu sat on the recliner, he annoyed with his consciousness: "Xiaodou Bao, what are you calling? Are you deliberate?"

The invincible honey badger grumbled: "I didn't expect the broken bead to float, so I called out without holding back.

I did n’t mean it. I promised to say nothing this time. "

"If you call again, I will cut off contact with your consciousness." Yun Chujiu threatened.

Invincible honey badger suddenly clawed: "Don't, I still want to see what good things you can find ?! I will definitely be quiet this time, and I will never speak again."

Yun Chujiu snorted coldly and began to close his eyes and recuperate.

She can actually cut off the spiritual connection with the invincible honey badger now, but considering that the invincible honey badger is an aborigine here after all, she might be able to help for a while, so she didn't do that.

(End of this chapter)

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