Chapter 9269 Spirit of All Things

Su Yanran looked at Yun Chujiu contemptuously:

"What do you know ?! That's" Spirit of All Things ", Mo said that it was only the invasion of the years, that is, the lightning strikes may not be able to be destroyed."

Yun Chujiu showed a sudden enlightenment: "It turned out to be" The Anima of All Things ", you can't say it earlier, is it interesting to hide it ?!"

Su Yanran was a little annoyed, but still puzzled and said: "Why? Did you know" The Spirit of All Things "before?"

Yun Chujiu didn't know it naturally, but the best thing about this product was ... Fool.

"Not much is known, it is estimated that you know more than you know."

Su Yanran doubted the letter: "Then talk about it."

Yun Chujiu whispered: "Why should I tell you ?! Otherwise, we will take turns to tell the information about the" Everything ", you come first."

Su Yanran believed that it was true, and immediately said: "As far as I know," The Spirit of All Things "is a treasure of heaven and earth, not artificially created, it is your turn."

Yun Chujiu did not panic and said: "The news you said is the same as what you didn't say. I will tell you something secret."

Su Yanran suddenly raised her ears and urged: "Hurry up!"

Yun Chujiu cleared his throat: "The Spirit of All Things" is not as good as it used to be. It is now greatly reduced in strength and is a small weak chicken. "

Su Yanran frowned, then nodded: "What you said is similar to what I guessed, but even if its strength is greatly reduced, it cannot be underestimated."

Yun Chujiu was so funny, she was pure nonsense, but she didn't expect Su Yanran to believe it.

Since this little white face is so good, it will be more information.

She proudly said: "It's your turn again."

Su Yanran nodded: "The Spirit of All Things" is a veritable treasure book of all things. The content recorded in it relates to all things in the world, including many hidden secrets. "

Yun Chujiu was annoyed and said: "All you said is nonsense, don't I know that it is a treasure of all things ?! This one is not counted! Repeat!"

Although Su Yanran was a little irritated, he still said: "The Spirit of All Things" is related to summoning beasts, is this the headquarters? "

Yun Chujiu said with a lip: "Come on, it's worthless compared to the information I want to say.

Let me tell you that, "The Book of Spirits" is divided into the first and second volumes, don't you know? "

Su Yanran was shocked: "What you said is true? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Things you don't know go more. Not only do I know to divide it into two volumes, I also know more detailed information, but now it's your turn to speak." Yun Chujiu said with excuse.

Su Yanran frowned, how did she feel she was being fooled?

I have never heard of the two volumes of the Book of Spirits. How can such a natural treasure be divided into two volumes like the book of the world?

In addition, Yun Chujiu had no way to know about the things in the Book of All Things.

The more she thought, the more suspicious she felt, but the matter was so far, and it was useless to get angry, so impatiently said:

"I have time to talk about these in the future, and the most urgent task now is to find the" Spirit of All Things "."

Yun Chujiu saw that she was uncoupled, and it was not easy to continue fooling. Anyway, she probably knew what "Spirit of All Things" was.

She suddenly had a thought in her heart and asked, "Have you ever seen the Book of Spirits? Do you know what it looks like?"

Su Yanran hesitated for a moment, then said: "Of course I have seen it!"

Yun Chujiu is so fine, she knows she hasn't seen it at first glance.

In this case, it is much easier to handle.

(End of this chapter)

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