Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9372: Because you are stupid

Chapter 9372 Because You Are Stupid

When the old man with nine fingers was suspicious, Yun Chujiu dropped another sentence:

"So when you believe this, I will tell you the specific method."

The old man with nine fingers feels that it is basically far away!

Yun Chujiu didn't pay any attention to the nine-finger old man, she took back her consciousness.

She is very excited now, it seems that the bone essence is right, and the consciousness can indeed be shaped into everything.

The bones are really personal!

Bone essence: I am a personal talent, I don't know?

At this moment, the nine-finger old man was surprised and said: "Your stealth has failed?"

Yun Chujiu looked at it, it really was.

She couldn't be disappointed. It has been beyond her expectation that this stealth technique can persist for so long.

Those dark clouds are estimated to be catching up soon, and you have to find a way to solve it. It's not a problem to hide.

She has some headaches. These dark clouds in Baqiyu are harder to deal with than those from other interfaces.

Not to say how powerful they are, mainly because their resistance to attack is too strong!

If the dark clouds of the other interface were turned away by her, the cloudy wings were already scared, and there was a courage to kill her.

In the final analysis, Xiao Jinyun is too rubbish, even if it reaches the level of medium dark clouds, she is not so passive.

Xiao Jinyun, who was practicing the seaweed dance in the corner, was suddenly unhappy!

"I never wanted to say anything, but since you have wronged me so much, I can only tell the truth.

Do you know why I devoured so many cloudy wings and didn’t grow? "

"Because you are stupid!"

Xiao Jinyun: "..."

You talk like this, it's easy to be beaten, you know? !

It said angrily: "That's because the power in Yunyi has been absorbed by your good respect!

Is it easy for me? ! Not only will he share the cloud core with him, but also give him all the power of the cloud wing, you still say I am stupid?

Do you have a conscience? ! I'm so hard! Ooo..."

It was still playing at the beginning, but the true feelings moved in the back, thinking of the scene where he was bullied by Dashaxing, sorrow came from it, crying and crying.

Yun Chujiu said dryly, "Did I not say anything..."

"What else do you want to say?! Do you know that you are trampling my self-esteem!

It’s bad enough for me to fall into such a state that you are still sprinkling salt on my wounds. You are not a person! "


Xiao Jinyun had a chance to vent, and began to accuse Yun Chujiu of his "evil deeds".

Yun Chujiu was initially guilty, but with Xiao Jinyun's spitting, her patience was gradually exhausted.

Xiao Jinyun was still chattering there: "I lost my life for you. In your heart, I'm a little waste. I want to run away from home!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Xiao Jinyun: "..."

No, shouldn’t it be normal to beg me to stay?

What should we do now?

Let's go, maybe you will meet the uncle Wu's gang of black clouds, and it will definitely die miserably.

Don't leave, everything has been said, it's too shameless.

In the end, it suffocated a sentence: "You let me go, I will go, don't I have to face it?! Huh! I won't go, I'm mad at you!"

Yun Chujiu was too lazy to take care of it, and he was thinking about how to deal with the coming dark clouds.

The old man with nine fingers didn't know the conversation between Yun Chujiu and Xiao Jinyun, but just saw that Xiao Jinyun kept on... it was raining, and then crouched to the corner to install mushrooms.

Seeing Yun Chu's brow furrowed, he asked, "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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