Chapter 9378 The Opportunity Is Here

Xiao Jinyun hadn't reported any hope to Yun Chujiu, thinking she would definitely not succeed.

But seeing Uncle Wu lying on the ground like a fool without moving, his mind was alive.

Hey hello!

Who wouldn't really succeed in that little one? !

This uncle five is really wasteful, as a dark cloud was invaded by her ray of consciousness.

However, it soon thought of a beautiful thing.

Uncle Wu is like a fool now. It is estimated that even if he steals a few cloud wings, he does not know.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jinyun almost laughed out loud.

It thinks it is a magic trick, because it has tasted the sweetness since it turned the cloud wings of Uncle Five last time.

Therefore, Zhao Yunchu, who had a dead skin and face, asked for two porcelain bottles of blood.

It felt that it might be available when it might be.

Now, the opportunity comes.

Xiao Jinyun was a little trembling with excitement, and slammed closer to Shuwu.

This product is actually a bit worried, if Uncle Wu suddenly slowed down, maybe it would have to suffer.

However, the wealth and the insurance are in demand, and now we can't take care of so much.

Three feet, one foot, three feet, as the distance got closer, Xiao Jinyun's heart also mentioned his throat.

However, Uncle Wu has been lying there dull, and nothing happened.

Suddenly, Xiao Jinyun thought of a problem, why did it stupidly land on the ground?

It can float on it and sprinkle blood!

In this way, not only is the security higher, but also more cloud wings can be obtained.

Thinking of this, it floated up, and when it was flying above Uncle Five, he opened the stopper with his beard, and threw blood on Uncle Five's body with a flash of lightning.

Because the size of Uncle Five is very large, and the area of ​​each cloud wing is also very large, in order to get a few more cloud wings, Xiao Jinyun is diligent like a little bee.

Uncle Wu was squinting in Yunhe and Yunchujiu's big eyes, and was suddenly startled. When it eased away from God, he saw several cloud wings flying towards Xiaojinyun cheerfully.

It almost passed out!

In a hurry to **** those few cloud wings, how could Xiao Jinyun let the duck in his mouth fly? !

Waving the porcelain bottle in his hand, he shouted:

"Come! Come here!"

Uncle Wu suddenly hesitated.

In his hesitant effort, Xiao Jinyun wrapped his wings with whiskers and ran away.

Because he ran too quickly, he almost dropped Yun Chujiu on his back.

Yun Chujiu frowned, and as Xiao Jinyun grew farther and farther from Uncle Five, she became weaker and weaker in controlling the stranded divine consciousness.

She complained a little about Jinyun: "What trouble do you follow?! I was about to get it done.

It's good this time, you make it mad again! "

Xiao Jinyun Quan didn't hear it. There was a bargain that didn't take the bastard.

It began to shift the topic:

"You tell me what happened just now? Maybe I can scare that big fool."

Yun Chujiu had to talk about the things in the cloud core again.

Upon hearing this, Jin Jinyun's first reaction was that this stinky girl was a perfect match with that big star, even if she could make waves in the cloud core.

The second reaction is that the big star in its cloud core is not just a ray of consciousness, right?

A ray of consciousness is so terrible, how terrible it would be if all the tails were to be drawn!

It was suddenly trembling, it made up its mind silently, and wouldn't secretly scold Dashaxing in the future, because it didn't know how to die in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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