Chapter 9410

Yun Chujiu naturally has food, and the amount is considerable. She can't eat it for ten lifetimes.

However, she said to Chi Wu: "Brother Chi Wu, I'm so embarrassed. I clanged poorly, and I didn't have anything. I want to find something to order!"

Chi Wu suddenly showed a disappointed look: "Forget it, forget it, it's estimated that there will be no starvation here. I'll ask Fei Yi."

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Alright, you are going to eat half of my food. After all, we are brothers and sisters."

Chi Wu suddenly stumbled, he felt that 80% of his opponent.

Yun Chujiu looked at Chi Wu's back and slightly hooked the corner of her mouth. She was not stinging, mainly because the food on her body was not here, and she was afraid to expose it after taking it out.

This Chiwu has some meaning. I thought it was a fool's fool. I didn't expect it to be a black sesame ball.

But, how did such a person fall into this situation?

Or is there something hidden in it?

She saw Chi Wu and Fei Yi say a few words, Fei Yi handed him a paper bag.

Chi Wu took a steamed bun from the inside and went to Yunchujiu while eating.

"Sister, give!"

Yun Chujiu took the bun and took a bite. Not to mention, it tasted good.

When I first came here, Yun Chujiu found that the chaotic atmosphere here is much stronger than that of Baqiyu, so the food here is also tastier than that of Baqiyu, even the most common buns.

After Chi Wu finished eating his own bun, he stared at Yun Chujiu's bun in his hand.

However, Yun Chujiu looked like he hadn't seen it, and slowed down the buns in his hand.

The disappointment on Chi Wu's face almost condensed into substance, but he quickly asked gossip: "Sister, tell me, how did you live to the present?"

If there was no previous dialogue, Yun Chujiu would have thought Chi Wu was a fool, otherwise why would he ask such a question?

But after the previous words, she guessed that there should be special circumstances in Anfeng, so she vaguely said:

"What else can I do? Come on!"

Chi Wu's sympathy: "Your character is full of bitterness!

Who doesn’t know that you are extremely patriarchal, and many people find out that the girls were born, and they either sold them or drowned.

I was the first time I saw a woman as big as you can grow in Anhui. "

Yun Chujiu wondered, if there are almost no women in Anhui, have a baby?

Although he was very curious, it was not easy to inquire. He had to show a bitter smile and talk less and make fewer mistakes.

Chi Wu did not continue this topic, and then the words changed:

"Sister, we are brothers and sisters now, so we must remind you that being a brother, the people here are tortured without humanity, so don't trust anyone.

Otherwise, you don’t know how to die. "

He was afraid that Yun Chujiu would not believe it. He looked around and said, "Also, I heard that Yaolu selects medicine waiters every year. Why do you think about this?

It must be because there are so many drug servants killed, or where can they be used every year? !

This medicine waiter is stronger than the medicine slave. "

Before waiting for Yun Chuji to speak, he said again: "So, it's still a pharmacist!"

As long as you become a pharmacist, you will not only get rid of your sins, but also eat spicy and spicy, and you don’t have to worry about your life. "

(End of this chapter)

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