Chapter 9413 Sky Penalty

The woman who spoke was pretty good, with scars on her face, which affected beauty.

She should have some status, because after she finished speaking, although some people were not very happy, but no one objected.

So, Yun Chujiu gave her a grateful smile and moved to her shop.

The woman's bunk was originally on the outermost side, so Yun Chujiu became the outermost bunk.

"This sister, don't know how to call it?" Yun Chujiu asked timidly.

The woman pursed her lips and said, "Last look at you as stupid as you can't get on the countertop, so talk to me less in the future!"

Yun Chujiu grabbed the corner of his clothes and said nothing.

But from other people's conversations, she still knew the woman's name, Huan Jiang.

Yun Chujiu saw that many people were ready to go to bed, and suddenly remembered one thing, is there no dinner here?

But she ate a bun just now, but she was not too hungry.

She looked up at the sky, still gray, but the light was dimming.

It is estimated that the night here is coming.

She was a little curious, what is this so-called punishment?

Over time, some people have snored and should be asleep.

Yun Chujiu lay on his side, staring at the sky in the distance.

Huan Jiang suddenly sneered: "Hurry up and sleep, or you will die first tomorrow!"

Yun Chujiu didn't know what she meant to say, but she was still grateful: "Thank you Sister Huan Jiang for reminding me, I know."

Huan Jiang pouted: "Don't think too much, I'm just worried about not getting those two months' salary."

Yun Chujiu smiled without a word.

Soon, there was even breathing from Huan Jiang around him, which seemed to be asleep.

Yun Chujiu didn't feel sleepy at all, still staring at the distance.

However, staring at midnight did not see any punishment.

She couldn't bear it, so she fell asleep confusedly.

Early the next morning, Yun Chujiu was woken up by the movement of others getting up.

She asked the yarn ball with her consciousness: "Is there anything abnormal last night? Did you see the so-called punishment?"

"No abnormalities were found." The yarn ball said.

Yun Chujiu frowned. Was Chi Wu fooling her?

However, she quickly ruled out this possibility.

Even if Chi Wu wanted to foole her, it would not be possible to foole her with this common-sense question.

Why didn't you see the heaven penalty?

Perhaps this day's punishment is not the same as she imagined.

She thinks of the book "Getting Started" that she got before. Is the punishment related to God's consciousness?

To confirm this, I can only find an opportunity to experiment at night.

While she was thinking about these things, the others had already gone away.

Yun Chujiu estimated that these people should go to breakfast, and busy behind Huan Jiang.

Huan Jiang ignored her, right when she was an invisible person.

But Chi Wu raised her eyebrows at her, Yun Chujiu ignored him, and had breakfast first.

After arriving at the yard yesterday, the crowd began to queue for breakfast.

Breakfast is nothing but porridge buns.

Also, there is no dinner, if it is limited, it is estimated that they will starve to death.

Yun Chujiu took a bite of steamed buns and drank another gruel of porridge, and then she found that the dog's tail grass in Dantian began to frantically.

Yun Chujiu was stunned. Is there a problem with the buns and gruel?

Is there a problem with porridge or steamed bread? Or is there a problem with both?

The dog's tail grass is a bit anxious, isn't it a violent temptation for you to be distracted at this time? Keep eating! Eat it for ten pots of buns!

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, what a da!

(End of this chapter)

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