Chapter 9438 Waste

The single claw hasn't been entangled for too long. After all, compared with life, it's morality... count as a fart!

Therefore, it now hopes that Yun Chujiu will win.

It's just that it doesn't have a deep heart.

Although the stinky girl defeated it, until now it also felt that it was not Yun Chujiu's skill, but that he was careless.

As for the general idea, it can't tell.

All in all, I lost in vain, not reconciled!

It turned this unwilling anger on the five dementors and scolded the dementor against Yun Chujiu:

"Hua Mao, don't be embarrassing here, your waste snack!

Even Laozi was arrested, do you think you can be the opponent of this stinky girl? ! "

The dementor bird that fought against Yun Chujiu said angrily: "What's your special name is Huamao, and I'm called Blast!"

Duchou sneered: "You have a hairy body, it would be nice if I didn't call you hairy! Just your idiot is also called a blast? Lao Tzu is much faster than you!"

Huamao couldn't help but chuckled: "Are you hoping to jump on one leg and say you're faster? Even Wang Badu climbs faster than you!"

This is the sore point of the single claw. It is so angry that it screams. It is desperate to find Huamao desperately. However, both the body and the consciousness are imprisoned.

Today, it can only fight back with its mouth guns.

"Huh, what's wrong with my jumping on one leg? You might be worse than me for a while! There is no one leg left, and you're dead!"

Huamao laughed more and more crazy: "Do you think anyone is as stupid as you?! Isn't it just a stinky girl?! I will kill her soon!

Then kill you again, just because my practice is stuck in the bottleneck period, you can definitely advance if you eat your flesh and blood. "

One-claw is afraid and angry: "Go on your dreams! The smelly girl is evil, and you will be killed in a moment! Not only will you be killed, but the ones behind you will have to die!"

It will be me who eats you!

Hahaha, if you eat all five of you, my cultivation will soar, even if there is only one leg, I can dominate the king! "

Huamao thinks that Duclaw is dreaming, but it also feels that the little girl in front of her has some evil doors. It has launched several consciousness attacks, why is she not yet dead?

However, it saw that Yun Chujiu's face was pale, and there was a thin sweat on his forehead.

As a result, the frequency of the consciousness attacks is accelerated.

However, after more than a dozen consciousness attacks, Yun Chujiu still looks just like that.

Its consciousness is a bit bad. When he wants other dementors to help, the single claw quacks and calls:

"Hua Mao, how? I said you are a waste, you don't admit it?!

It’s been a long time since the attack, and the little girl didn’t hide and didn’t fight back, but you just couldn’t win. You said you’re not a waste? "

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but confuse him. What's more, if he said so, it seemed like it was quite wasteful.

Huamao was irritated by the single claw, so she didn't ask for help, and launched a consciousness attack on Yun Chujiu again.

Yun Chujiu frowned. She thought that after disguising herself as weak, the Dementor in front of her could work harder and increase the attack of consciousness.

As a result, this is a waste snack!

The effect of the attack is not as significant as the single claw!

She estimated the time and had to decide quickly, otherwise she would miss the time to go down the mountain.

So, she pointed her finger at the other four dementors: "Don't waste time, you go together!"

(End of this chapter)

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