Chapter 9440 Waste of Food

Chi Wu hadn't relieved himself from the shock. Hearing Yun Chujiu's words, he still opened his mouth, glared at him, and squirmed like a fool.

Yun Chujiu said it again, and Chi Wu was relieved.

"Ah, ah? You mean you want to take it as a pet?

This, I really don't know, because very few people accept pets. "


"Here, this is not easy, because even the lowest-level monsters have the ability to attack with the consciousness, so the consciousness bond is not reliable, maybe it will be secretly released by it, or even counterattack.

Therefore, no one does this loss trading. "

Yun Chujiu frowned, but she didn't worry about the one-claw rebirth, or even wished this product would be rebirth.

It's just, what can I do if I can't get a deal?

Or try it with other mainland methods?

However, I tried it and it didn't work.

She glanced at the single claw: "I wanted to accept you as a pet, but I don't know how, so I can only kill you to eat meat!"

Suddenly screamed, Du Chuang even shed two lines of tears.

Chi Wu: "..."

My goodness!

Did the Dementors cry?

Yun Chujiu shrugged: "It's useless to ask me, unless you have a way to get in touch with me, otherwise I can only kill you to eat meat.

I really haven’t eaten the Dementor’s meat, and it’s just a tasting. I think grilled wings are good. "

One-claw is so angry and scared, it's such a fart!

You a vicious woman!

It called out anxiously, and Yun Chujiu looked at it suspiciously: "Do you have a way to get together?"

The one-clawed busy cried a few times, for fear Yunchujiu misunderstood that it said "no", and the one who called was a high-pitched.

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Okay, since you have a way, then I will reluctantly get in touch with you! To be honest, I really don't want to accept waste like you, it's a waste of food!"

One-claw was so angry that his head was buzzing, but he could only swallow his breath.

Yun Chujiu asked Chi Wu to release the imprisonment of his single claw. Chi Wu hesitated for a moment. What if it ran after it was released?

But when he saw the independent rooster of Golden Rooster, he felt that this doubt was a bit superfluous.

After the imprisonment was released, Yun Chujiu, who was in a hurry, signed a deity contract with it.

The reason is so anxious, because it is afraid of Yun Chujiu repentance.

It didn't even dream of dreaming, it actually asked someone to contract it one day.

After the contract is completed, Yun Chujiu and Duzhu can communicate with each other.

However, DuZhu doesn't want to communicate with Yun Chujiu, it now feels dumb.

Yun Chujiu didn't have time to communicate with it, and said to Chi Wu: "It's not too early, let's go back!"

Now Yun Chujiu is in Chi Wu's eyes, that is, a tall and tall man, what she said is what, and where dare to raise objections.

Moreover, it is indeed time.

The two hurried back in a hurry, and Chi Wu later realized a problem:

"Little girl, how much herb did you pick? Is it enough for both of us? If you are in the bottom three, you will be punished."

Yun Chujiu forgot about this matter. She didn't know whether the herbs she picked were the ones on the list, and time was wasted on the dementors, and the number was not too large.

While she was frowning, Erdogzi said:

"Little fairy, this thing is easy to handle. The one-claw has its own space. There must be something good on it. Just let it come out."

(End of this chapter)

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