Chapter 9449 Big Noise

The waiting pharmacist saw what they looked like, and a flash of calculation flashed in his eyes.

He also ordered to give them some chores they usually do, and then said:

"There is something wrong with Qihuanggong's formation. At night, there will be a punishment in the yard. Don't go out at night."

After the two said it was true, the waiting pharmacist entered the house on the grounds of meditating and adjusting interest rates.

Chi Wu and Yun Chujiu started to dry some herbs and were busy until the evening.

In the process, the two did not care about anyone, and even had no intersection.

After recollecting the dried herbs in the warehouse, Chi Wu glanced at Yun Chujiu and said with a smile:

"Sister, are you dissatisfied with my second brother?

In fact, I’m doing it for you. You said that it’s a good thing for you to find a good man to marry in a girl’s house. Don’t waste time on some unrealistic things. "

Yun Chujiu sneered: "Then thank you brother for reminding me!

Now that you have said so, let's do our own thing, don't play tricks, otherwise it will not look good to tear your face. "


The two performed a plastic brother and sister relationship, and then went back to each house.

When the pharmacist waited to see it, there was an inevitable smile on his face, and he recovered his consciousness.

After Yun Chujiu returned to the house, he took out the bottle of Tongshen Pill and ate one.

Then, he was cut off by the dog's tail grass...

Of course it cuts off the Hu, what a magic weapon is poisonous!

If you eat more of this stuff, you will become a fool!

Yun Chujiu was not too surprised. The waiting pharmacist must not be attentive, but if he suspected that she had the ability to hunt for treasure, he should be tortured and tortured. Why should she be a fool?

She couldn't understand it for a while, and then remembered something, would she remind Chi Wu?

But she thought about it, Chi Wu's stomach was twisted, and she would definitely not be fooled, so she wouldn't do anything more.

Furthermore, she is now in the same position as him, and has no chance to say this.

Thinking of this, she washed early and lay down on the bed.

When she was confused, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the wall shared with Chiwu's room.

At this time, a... needlepoint appeared on the wall.

That is, Yun Chujiu's eyes were good, or he wouldn't see at all.

Xu Yu, the whole needle was exposed.

Yun Chujiu found that a silver thread was worn on the needle nose, and for a moment, he couldn't understand the intention of Chi Wu.

Won't he really become stupid after eating Tongshen Pill?

When Yun Chujiu was thinking about it, he heard a very subtle voice from the needle, as if someone was talking.

She stepped forward to pick up the needle, close to her ear, and she heard Chi Wu's sneaky voice: "Little girl, little girl, can you hear me?"

This is the pin of my family's ancestry. We can communicate this way in the future. "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

This so-called sound pin is estimated to be useful only when it is separated by a wall. It is really tasteless.

However, there is no sound transmission equipment here, and the sound transmission pin is barely usable.

Yun Chujiu promised and said in a very low voice: "There is a problem with Tongshen Pill, it will make people silly, don't eat it."

"Even if you don't say I won't eat it, it's just that I don't quite understand why he made us fools? Is it jealous that we are too smart?"

Yun Chujiu was very speechless. When he was about to say something, a loud noise came from outside.

Immediately afterwards came the smell of burnt, and a variety of panic sounds.

It will continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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