The puppy opposite the 945th chapter

Xuanyuan’s head shook his head and secretly, perhaps he thought more, maybe thousands of years passed, so the rules changed.

After two full hours, the first four talents of the cloud came out of the transmission array, and the four people saw the situation in front of them suddenly.

Doesn't it mean that it is transferred to Xinyuan City after flying? Is it a desert where the hair they are being transported? !

At the beginning of the cloud, the heart sank, and the emperor has arranged for the dark wind to meet them in Xinyuan City. How could it be transmitted here?

At the beginning of the cloud, I took out the voice, and I wanted to ask about what happened to the emperor. I didn’t think that the microphone could not be used.

There was an ominous premonition in the heart of the cloud, and I tried it out with a cutting board.

"Small nine sisters, not to say that after flying, will the body self-heal because of the injury of the thunder? Why are we not hurting?" Feng Ming asked puzzledly.

At the beginning of the cloud, he took out three Tianpin coagulations and handed them to Fengming three people. Then he said, "I am afraid that I am tired of being hurt by me. It should be that Tiandao is stalking from it. We only have to find a way to escape this desert and then go to the new Yuancheng."

After Feng Ming’s three people took the medicine, the injury was better than half, and Shi Xuan said with a smile: “Small nine sisters, what drags on and not dragged down, we will be the life and death of the four people, no need to say something polite.”

"Shi Xuan brother, I am naturally not polite with you, you may be my seven brother-in-law later, hehe!" When the cloud first 玖 this goods can maintain an optimistic attitude, even if the situation is so bad, you can find ways to adjust atmosphere.

Shi Xuan's face was reddish: "Your seven sisters haven't given me permission yet, and I will help the younger sisters in the future."

"Shi Xuan brother, you can rest assured, my seven sisters have been petting me since childhood, as long as you perform well, I will help you to say a few words." Yun early stinks shamelessly ignores his black history.

Where Shi Xuan knew these things, he believed it was true: "Then please come to the little nine sisters."

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart was dark, and Shi Xuan’s brother was the most savvy of the three people. I didn’t expect her seven sisters to become stupid.

When the four people were talking and laughing, they suddenly felt a strong pressure. It was better to be stumped at the beginning of the cloud. The three people of Fengming felt that their chest was stuffy and they could not breathe.

The four people watched the front and watched a huge monster to rush toward them. At the beginning of the cloud, they knew more about the monsters in Qingxuan, but they knew nothing about the monsters in Tianyuan.

At the beginning of the cloud, they simply don't know what kind of monster is. The level of spiritual power is not clear, but one thing is certain. This monster must be much higher than the spiritual level of the four of them.

This demon animal is very similar to the wolf, it is estimated to be a kind of demon wolf.

The wolf's eyes were full of greedy looks, drooling and looking at the clouds at the beginning of the four people. In its view, these four weak chickens must be in its bag.

"I will try to test its strength first. If you can play it, let's fight it hard. If you can't beat it, I will entangle it. You will run first, then I will chase you later." Yun Xiao whispered to Feng Ming. Said the three.

The three people of Fengming knew that there were many bad waters at the beginning of the cloud, and they were used to obeying the arrangement of the cloud, so they nodded neatly and did not raise any objections.

At the beginning of the cloud, I rushed to the demon wolf: "Hey, the puppy opposite, can you understand the words?"

Eighth, dear, good morning, what? Bamboo asks, will you have time to read novels during the Spring Festival?

(End of this chapter)

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