Chapter 9459 develops a recipe

Chi Wu first smelled the incense of medicine, and then he saw that there were five round immortals in the alchemy furnace indescribable thing.

Chi Wu: "..."

Alchemy can still make this stuff?

Of course, he also knows that it is a medicinal herb residue, but this shape really makes people think about it!

He suddenly thought of the few herbs that Yunchujiu had thrown in afterwards. He said that it was estimated that the little girl found that the situation was not very good, so he added a few herbs.

It is because of the addition of herbs that the sheep can be repaired, and they can be made into five Shunluo Pills, or they will never be made.

I’ve never heard of medicinal herbs in the past when Kuaichengdan was used. The boss is really the boss, which is really unfathomable!

Like the previous two levels, the passing person reappeared on the steps and continued to walk down.

At this time, only ten people remained.

Everyone looked dignified, it was more difficult than one level, and I don’t know what the fourth level will assess?

After walking thirty steps, the alchemy furnace still appeared in front of everyone.

The old man who appeared before reappeared, he said with a smile: "Since you can appear here, it shows that your talent for alchemy is pretty good.

But talent alone is not enough, but also spirituality.

It is inappropriate to say that the alchemist is actually a cook. If there is no spiritual cook, he will only follow the recipe. Although it can be eaten, it is definitely not delicious.

If it is spiritual, it will be different. Even the most common ingredients, he can create unique dishes that are refreshing.

The same is true of alchemy. According to the alchemy of alchemy, anyone can create alchemy.

Your task at this level is to create a new recipe with 15 known herbs, whether it is a poison or elixir, as long as it can clarify the medicine. "

Everyone suddenly felt dull, what?

Create a recipe?

What a joke? !

Not to mention their first introduction to the second hanging child, even those pharmacists in Yaolu did not have the ability to create a prescription!

Not to mention creating recipes in such a short time!

This is to make it clear that they will not survive!

The old man saw the thoughts of everyone and smiled: "I know that you think this is impossible, but the reason why genius is genius is that it can accomplish things that ordinary people cannot.

In addition, this time I will give you three days, and provide you with enough herbs to allow you to experiment.

If you need herbs, just say it out loud.

As for whether it can succeed, it depends on your spirituality and creation. "

After the old man finished speaking, the figure disappeared.

As soon as the old man left, everyone would fry!

Chi Wu gave Yun Chujiu the eye of the thief... handing a small note.

"Little girl, you must know that Dan is not here, right? And you must know several right? You give the second brother a chant!"

Yun Chujiu felt that her face was quite thick, but in Chiwu, she understood the truth, there is no shameless, only shameless!

This skin is so thick!

However, the Danfang is really not a difficult thing. There are dog tails in the grass. Don’t say that two Danfangs are there.

She suddenly discovered something, how did the dog's tail grass suddenly become quiet?

When she was thinking about it, Black Bead said: "Master, the dog's tail let me tell you that it has a good way to cooperate and win-win, ask you if you want to listen?"

(End of this chapter)

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