Chapter 9461 Black Sesame Paste

Yun Chujiu took the Dendrobium candidum a couple of times, and then picked up the dry yam and stuffed it into his mouth...

After a while, all the herbs she was given were taken by her.

Both Chi Wu and others are stunned, these are all herbs, not Chinese cabbage, she is not afraid of being poisoned?

Besides, she just ate a lot of grilled meat just now, and this appetite is really good enough, and she is not afraid to hold on.

When everyone was arrogant, Yun Chujiu said aloud: "Please give me another herb, I will continue to study the medicinal properties."

As soon as her words fell, herbs appeared on the console, and the number and variety were generally the same as before.

Yun Chujiu also politely continued to eat herbs, and the dog's tail grass in Dantian was almost happy!

It said that Yaolu was its blessed land, and it was so!

Look, not only has its status gone up, but even this standard of living is improving!

These herbs are delicious and fragrant!

Yun Chujiu ate five servings of herbs in a row. Although the dog's tail grass will continue to be eaten, Yun Chujiu felt that it should not be too much.

Besides, she also wanted to try whether she could succeed in refining alone.

Others thought she was trying the new Danfang formula, and after seeing that she could not help but feel discouraged, she dared to be Shunluo Dan.

Despite Yun Chujiu's best efforts, the final result still failed, still a black paste.

She was about to throw away the paste, and the dog's tail grass began to be cute and wanted to eat.

Yun Chujiu is very speechless, some of the fresh herbs are, why should I eat paste?

Where does she know that the dogtail grass thinks so, it is not uncommon to eat too much. It has eaten herbs and elixirs, but has not eaten this failed paste.

So, I really want to taste it.

Yun Chujiu originally wanted to reject the dog's tail grass, because she was really difficult to swallow against the black paste.

However, she thought about it and let the dog's tail be tasted. Maybe she could find out the reason for the failure, and maybe she could find a way to make alchemy successfully without the agitation of her mind.

So everyone watched Yun Chujiu take out a spoon and scooped a spoonful of black paste into his mouth.

Then, she still clicked her mouth.

Everyone: "..."

Yun Chujiu's mouth is because the paste is actually quite delicious, a bit sweet, just like... black sesame paste, and it's the kind with sugar.

It's really strange, when I ate the herb just now, I didn't find out which herb is sweet. Where did this sweetness come from?

The dog's tail grass in Dantian is also a surprise. Hey, hey, I didn't expect this black goo to be quite delicious.

Not only is it delicious, but the main thing is that it feels better than the herb.

It's a pity that I didn't eat Shunluo Dan, otherwise I can compare it.

Yun Chujiu pours spoon after spoon into his mouth, Chi Wu saw her enjoyment, and couldn't help but ask:

"Little girl, this stuff is delicious?"

Yun Chujiu said vaguely because there was something in his mouth: "You can try it."

Chi Wu did a lot of psychological construction for a while, and felt that Yun Chujiu should not poison his relatives. He took a spoon and scooped it with his courage, and then licked it carefully.

Then, the eyes light up, eh? It looks delicious!

He immediately stuffed the rest of the spoon into his mouth.

When he was about to scoop a spoon, he suddenly showed a shocked expression...

Continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night, what a da!

(End of this chapter)

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