Chapter 9463 The Fun Is Big

Yun Chujiu was there for alchemy, and Chi Wu took his stomach and slid back and forth to digest food.

After a while, his look was a little strange, and then he covered his stomach and squatted on the ground, his face a little...grim.

Fei Yi just saw it, and came over and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Chi Wu squeezed a few words from his teeth: "I, I want to use the toilet."

Fei Yi: "..."

If it's in a nearby place, it's fine, but what is this place? Go to the toilet? I really want to do this, I am afraid it will be wiped out directly.

Of course Chi Wu knows this, but this is not something that can be tolerated!

Fei Yi said in a deep voice: "You are also a nonsense, even if you are outside, and eating and drinking here and there, really, alas!"

Fei Yi didn't know what to say about him, but it was useless to complain now, so he still had to find a solution.

Chi Wu also regretted that he felt that the problem was likely to lie in those black spots.

Because the frequency of cultivators going to the cottage is very low, they do not need to go once every half a month or even a month, unless they eat bad stomach.

The monster meat he had eaten a few days ago was nothing unusual, it must be something black.

His regretful bowels are all green!

Knowing this before, he said he would not eat anything!

Just why he reacted, but the little girl was fine?

But now that it is useless, he has to solve the problem of the latrine first.

He didn't care about any embarrassment or embarrassment anymore. He ran to Yun Chujiu and said, "Sister, I have a bad stomach. I can't help it anymore. Help me find a way!"

He succeeded in attracting all other people's eyes. Everyone was stunned for a while, and then laughed.

Just say that this rice bucket can’t be tuned in that place, can you have fun now? !

Yun Chujiu couldn't help frowning, was his stomach broken? Won't it be because of those black spots?

She made Tongluo Dan abruptly... Laxative?

She quickly asked the dog's tail grass: "Is there an immediate way to detoxify?"

Dogtail grass is actually very happy to see this scene, because it has long been expected.


I told you to **** food with me, have you been retaliated? !

It shook the leaves, showing that it could not help.

Yun Chujiu didn't believe it at all: "If you can't detoxify, then I don't think it's necessary to eat this dark and medicinal herb anymore. You don't get any growth if you eat it."

Dog tail grass is so angry!

What a heartbroken person who loves the new and dislikes the old!

Isn't it like a stupid and stupid chunky man in her heart? !

If he is angry, he still tells the yarn ball: "He is not poison but an impurity in the body. The black stuff you have refined has a synergistic effect. He has eaten so much, so the reaction is so big.

So, there is really no way. "

Yun Chujiu's heart moved. Although she said that the black stuff she made was not a pill, but the role is the same?

However, it is imperative to resolve Chi Wu's problem first, and then think about the dark things.

At this time, Chi Wu was already squatting on the ground, and the expression on his face was a pain.

There are three anxious people, he is too difficult!

Yun Chujiu suddenly got a wit, and took out a wooden barrel and a simple tent from the storage ring.

Chi Wu suddenly understood the meaning of Yun Chujiu, although embarrassed, but let Fei Yi help to move the barrel and tent to the corner, ready to solve it in the "mobile hut".

He had just got into it, and he hadn't had time to solve it. Even the "mobile hut" he had brought disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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