Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 947: Good girl doesn't fight with dog

Chapter 947 Good Women Do Not Fight Dogs

The demon wolf saw the beginning of the cloud and escaped its wind blade. The eyes flashed a little surprised. It thought that the cloud was so weak at first, and she could kill her with a single stroke. I did not expect to escape.

The demon wolf opened his mouth again, and it was hundreds of wind blades. But this time it was shot at the beginning of the cloud. It hated the beginning of the cloud, and even insulted it as a dog. It was really a bully.

At the beginning of the cloud, relying on flexible skills and defensive spirits, he escaped the attack of the demon wolf. He did not wait for the demon wolf to launch an attack again. The first and second hand of the cloud waved and waved, and several purple lightnings slammed the face of the wolf.

The demon wolf jumped to the side and flashed the attack of the cloud. The demon wolf was shocked. It turned out to be Tianlei Linggen. It is no wonder that the age was so small that it flew to the Tianyuan continent.

Although the wolf is somewhat surprised, but not in the heart, this little girl is Tianlei Linggen, but the level is too low, even if it is on it, it will not cause too much damage. Today these people are destined to be its dinner. It is.

Suddenly, the cloud screamed and said: "Run!"

Feng Ming three people began to run wildly when they turned their heads. The demon wolf looked at them with a scornful look. The heart said that it killed the little girl first, then went after the three, and they also ran away.

The demon wolf thought of continuing to attack the cloud at the beginning of the cloud. After the cloud was hiding, he continued to attack the wolf with lightning.

The demon wolf is very disdainful, it is physically strong, just hide from the face, so the weak thunder and lightning have nothing to do with it, stinking, killing.

At the beginning of the cloud, it barely supported the time of less than half a quarter of an hour, and the body's defensive spirits broke through a dozen pieces, which was barely hurt.

At this time, the demon wolf spurted out hundreds of wind blades again. At the same time as the clouds evaded, they threw a large sack into the wolf, and then ran away.

The hemp bag was crushed by the wind blade, and the inside of the pepper surface suddenly spread out. The cloud was initially prepared for the goods, and while running, it held the breath, and the wolf was smashed!

Even if it is higher in level, it can't stand the spicy smell. The tears of screaming and sneezing, and the most irritating thing is that the voice of the little girl is arrogant in the distance: "Puppy dog, good girl does not follow Dog fight, bye bye!"

The eyes of the demon wolf are red, and they are also smashed by the peppers. They are chasing away in the direction of the cloud.

Feng Ming three people do not worry about the beginning of the cloud, so running is not far away, seeing the shadow of the cloud, this is all running away.

Although the four men worked hard, but less than half an hour, the demon wolf was gradually approaching the distance, and the wolf was chasing and roaring.

There are also some monsters below the 14th order in this desert. They originally wanted to attack when they saw the clouds, but they heard the roar of the wolf, and they immediately escaped with their tails.

"Small nine sisters, we are not the way to escape. This desert has nothing but sand. There is no place to hide." Feng Ming said with a gasp.

"No hurry, no hurry, we will stick to it for a while, I have a way to deal with it." Clouds blinked in the eyes.

The three people of Fengming are very puzzled. Isn’t the young nine sisters bragging? ! The strength of the wolf is so strong, can she have any way to deal with it? If there is a way, is it so embarrassing to escape?

At this point, the wolf behind him had already chased him up, yelling at the four people, and then he saw that the little girl did not run, stopped, and turned to look at it with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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