Chapter 9493

Yun Chujiu guessed that the people living in the prison area should be equivalent to domestic slaves. Although they can mix well with their heads and faces, they are still low-ranking slaves in the eyes of Niulu and others.

Of course, there are also ways to get rid of crimes, such as becoming a pharmacist or the brother like Chi Wu entering Tianji camp, but the number is very small.

As for Chi Wu's statement that he left Futu prison through Yaolu, it is estimated that such people are rare.

The people who escorted them were very cautious. They took the big road and set off in the morning and rested in the evening, so there were no twists and turns on the road.

However, as the journey progressed, the climate and environment have changed significantly.

The climate has become dry, and the surrounding vegetation has become less and less.

Yun Chujiu guessed that Sanshiya was coming.

Sure enough, after another day, Sanshiya arrived.

The so-called Sanshiya is actually a towering mountain, winding hundreds of miles.

And one of the steep cliffs rises straight into the cloud and is called Sanshi Cliff.

Whether it is the cliff or other peaks, they are all bare.

I can only see a few green dots vaguely, but I have good eyes, otherwise I won't see them at all.

And those little green dots are the suspected Niseko.

Yun Chujiu thought this was nonsense!

Not to mention anything else, those people who are stationed are not one hundred miles or eighty miles away from Sanshi Cliff. If you can see them so far, the volume is bound to be huge. How could it be a plant? !

Of course, according to their explanation, it was... a large lot of Sanshen.

Yun Chujiu thinks this is impossible. If Sanshilian can appear so much at once, then it is not Sanshilian but Chinese cabbage!

After the handover of the **** and the garrison handed over, the two parties took out their respective tokens, and then they joined forces to open an entrance to the boundary outside Sanshiya.

Yun Chujiu first walked in, Fei Yi took a deep breath and followed.

Chi Wu didn't want to go in at all, so there was a lot of trouble, and the escorted people pushed in.

After Chi Wu entered, he began to scold, anyway, people outside could only see what was inside, but could not hear the sound.

"You are a bulldog! You dare to push me and wait for me! Sooner or later I will find the place back!"

After scolding those who pushed him, he scolded Niu Luzhu again: "That surnamed Niu is really not a thing! Even came up with such a bad idea, is this Sanshiya a place to stay?"

Fei Yi frowned: "Be careful when you speak out!"

Chi Wu said, "Isn't I anxious?! You also know that the three generations of Yaguan are living ancestors. We may be here to explain this time."

Fei Yi frowned, "Since I've already come in, it's not helpful to say these frustrating words, I would rather think of ways."

Chi Wu broke the jar and said: "Anyway, my brain is not good, you and your little sister will study it, and I will listen to your arrangement."

Yun Chujiu looked curious: "I've only heard of this before, but it's unclear exactly what happened. Brother, can you tell me what happened to Sanshiya?"

Chi Wu came to the spirit now: "Little girl, little girl, I am good at this kind of thing, I tell you!

To say that the Three Cliffs had to start from the Fu Tu prison, this is a long story. "

Yun Chujiu couldn't wait for him to say more, and said with a smile: "Anyway, it's still far away from Sanshiya, so slowly, just relieve the boredom."

(End of this chapter)

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