Chapter 9495 Complaint Beast

"Complaint beast? Does it look like a monster beast? How is it?" Yun Chujiu wondered.

"I haven't seen it, but I've heard it. It's pretty mysterious anyway.

Let me tell you this, Lord Niu Lu, who is old and immortal, does not need those heavy crimes to get here, even those complaining beasts can chew him to the bones. "Chi Wu zai whispered.

Yun Chujiu was very puzzled: "Since those resentful beasts are so powerful, why don't they break through the enchantment and rescue those serious offenders?"

Chi Wu said immediately: "You really asked the right person! I heard that those beasts can't leave the recidivism too far, so those talents set the boundary so far."

Yun Chujiu nodded, as it turned out.

Chi Wumin came over and said, "Sister, if you let that dementor bird out, let it walk in front, if it encounters a grudge, it can also help us prevent disasters."

The single claw inside the beast bag was almost mad!

This fat man!

Why didn't he peck him!

Yun Chujiu thought Chi Wu's suggestion was good.

Of course, she didn't want to use one-claw as a cannon fodder. The main reason is that one-claw's consciousness attack ability is very strong, so that it is in front. Once it encounters a grudge, it will have a blow, and it will not burp directly.

After being released, Du Wu stared at Chi Wu fiercely.

Chi Wu shook his neck in horror, but then he thought about it, what cattle do you cow? !

You are now the little girl's contract beast, I am her second brother, that is, your second master!

So he straightened his waist plate again.

Although Ducock didn't know any complaining beasts, but instinctively sensed the danger, the feathers on his head suddenly appeared.

It was cautiously in front... jumping, there was no way, only one leg left, not jumping? !

It felt so miserable!

As a dementing bird, actually reduced to an enemy contract beast, it is almost impossible to live.

Don't look at the one-legged one-legged jump, but with wings to balance, it jumps very firmly.

Yun Chujiu looked at it, and rarely found his conscience, said: "One-claw, wait for time, I will give you a dogleg."

One claw stumbled and almost fell.

He refused from the heart out, if he were to give him a dog leg, he would rather jump on one leg.

When Ducau was complaining, he suddenly stopped, and Yun Chujiu's three people who followed him also stopped.

A strange-looking creature ran in the distance. The head was the size of a grinding disc, all of which were eyes. The body was long and slender like a snake, but it had a big, fluffy tail.

What's even weirder is that the thing is hidden from time to time, but the time of invisibility is very short, only about one breath.

Even so, it is shocking enough.

It seems that this is the so-called blame beast, it really is very strange.

Although Dupu wants to play with prestige, but he has never seen the thing of complaining beast, it is inevitable that he is in a daze. At this time, it is when he misses his two legs.

At that time, I was able to stand steadily, but now I feel like I can't stand it anymore? Otherwise... for a while?

At this time, the complaining beast was getting closer and closer to them, and it was only about ten feet away.

Duchou made a sharp chirping sound, trying to scare the other side away.

Unexpectedly, a cry was also made to Fa, but it was sharper, and Chi Wu and Fei Yi covered their ears almost simultaneously.

Fei Yi saw that Yun Chujiu didn't move, and said quickly: "Sister, its voice is attacked with consciousness, and quickly cover your ears."

It will continue at 9 o'clock tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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