Chapter 9502 was silly shut down

It is estimated that Yun Chujiu's words stimulated the old man.

"It's much better here than outside? It's really nonsense!

There is no sun here, and there is no dripping water. It is necessary to be sucked up by these resentful beasts, let alone be bound to freedom, and become a prisoner!

You said, where is good? "

"Master, don't worry about it first!

Let me talk to you about the advantages here. First, it's quiet here!

Where can I find such a quiet place on the outside? It's more conducive to self-cultivation!

Second, it is safe here!

There are so many people stationed outside, and even a mosquito can't fly in. Is there a safer place in the world than this? !

Third, it's fun here!

Not to mention anything else, how interesting is that horse honeycomb beside you! This is the first time I have seen such a fun little thing, but it will still be invisible, which is really fun.


She also wanted to continue to say that the old man said angrily: "A lot of nonsense! Nonsense! Since you like it so much, do you dare to waste your wits?"

Yun Chujiu puzzled: "What does this have to do with self-waste magic?"

The old man snorted coldly: "Hum, only you can abandon the miracles to show your sincerity, because no miracles can't do anything outside, which is equivalent to breaking your way."

Yun Chujiu blinked and blinked: "It turns out that's the case, but I haven't learned the magic of self-abolition? How is the self-abolition method? You teach me!"

The old man's sneer: "Have you never learned? It's really nonsense.

Even if you haven’t learned it yet, I’ll teach you to reverse the order of opening, you can discard it, even the three-year-old doll knows it. "

Yun Chujiu moved his mind and reversed the order of opening.

Although she wanted to give it a try, it was a good idea to think that she had a hard time.

At this time the old man sneered: "Why? Don't dare? Little girl, play these tricks in front of me.

I think you are still a gift of courtesy, and give you another chance, will you go? "

"Go, of course, I will go now."

Yun Chujiu said to go out while lifting his legs. Chi Wu and Fei Yi were confused. I didn't know why she changed her mind, but she still followed.

Duclaw also quickly caught up, fearing that the old man would be in trouble.

There was a cold hum of the old man behind him: "Come on, you can do it yourself!"

After leaving the cave, Chi Wu asked: "Sister, let's go back? Before we go out, we have to make up nonsense, otherwise the people who escorted us might not let us go out."

Yun Chujiu pointed to the front with his finger: "If we don't go back, let's go inside and see."

Chi Wu wondered: "Ah? Didn't you tell him to leave?"

Yun Chujiu bent the corner of his mouth: "I didn't say that I would leave Sanshiya, I was talking about leaving this broken cave.

The old man misunderstood himself, not relying on me. "

Chi Wu: "..."

Yun Chujiu walked forward and said, "So, people are social animals and can't leave the outside for too long.

Look, the old man was stupid!

Even the true and the false can't be separated. No wonder his beast is also a lack of attention. "

Chi Wu quickly made a mute gesture: "Be quiet, maybe he can hear it!"

Yun Chujiu didn't care: "How about hearing?! Is it possible that he can leave the dungeon and run outside?"

Her words just fell, the ground trembles violently, and then the surrounding environment changed.

(End of this chapter)

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