Chapter 9504 will shatter as soon as it is torn

"No! Of course not! Little girl, hurry, save me!" Chi Wu shouted.

Yun Chujiu pulled the thorns that attacked her to the side, jumped to Chi Wu's side, and shredded the thorns that wrapped around him.

Chi Wu saw the thorns that turned into nothingness, the boss with open mouth, shocked.

These thorns are all consciousness, so they can only attack with consciousness.

Why is she so easy to tear when you tear it?

This is not consistent with his long-standing perception!

Not only was Chi Wu shocked, even the old man was stunned.

Seeing less and less thorns, he gritted his teeth, and suddenly thorns appeared in all directions, and he abandoned Chi Wu and Fei Yi, and all came to the beginning of the cloud.

Yun Chujiu was immediately surrounded by thorns. Because there were too many thorns, her figure was drowned by thorns for almost a moment.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi were overwhelmed. The two wanted to help. However, their strengths were very different. It took a long time to work, but they didn't get rid of the thorns.

The multi-eyed beast was just stunned by Yun Chujiu's performance!

Seeing that the host had the upper hand now, he suddenly became angry again.

It was all thought of, and after the host subdued the smelly girl for a while, it injected grievances into her consciousness, turning her into... a grievance.

The old man also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now Yun Chujiu's performance shocked and dreaded him.

At this moment, although the little girl is a bit evil, he is still in his grasp.

After controlling her for a while, you can use Soul Appraisal to see what secrets you might find, maybe you can help him leave the place.

Thinking of being able to get out of trouble, the old man was a little excited, and his face was a little distorted.

He couldn't help but laugh in the sky, the chains jingled by him.

However, after waiting for a while, the thorns didn't make any progress, they were still piled up there, and I didn't hear anything from Yun Chujiu.

The old man thought, is it dead?

It was a pity that he couldn't help it. He hadn't used Soul Appraisal yet, and he just died like that. It was a waste.

It is a pity that he is not as powerful as before. After launching the consciousness attack, he cannot obtain information through the consciousness, otherwise he can detect the situation of the little girl at any time.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi felt a little panicked, bad! Why didn't the little girl move? Is it dead?

But the two of them attacked for a long time, even the outer parts of the thorns were not removed, not to mention the rescue of Yunchujiu.

At this moment, those thorns suddenly shattered, and then turned into nothingness.

Yun Chujiu sat cross-legged on the ground, his face very unsightly.

Chi Wuxian asked: "Sister, what's wrong with you? Was your consciousness hurt?"

Yun Chujiu shook his head: "No."

Chi Wuxin said, why didn't you look so ugly without being hurt, as if someone owes you money!

Where did he know that after Yun Chujiu was besieged by thorns, this cargo had a whimsy, since these thorns were transformed by Divine Consciousness, if she let them attack, would it help her awaken?

So she did not hide, let those thorns attack her consciousness.

Not to mention, after being attacked by those thorns, the consciousness produced a shock, which was stronger than the shock when the one-claw attacked.

Yun Chujiu's heart suddenly burst into bloom, according to this momentum, maybe she will be able to open a second magic trick in a moment.

Also, there must be more than one elder from the Three World Cliffs. When the time comes, she will fight with them one by one. !

However, soon, she couldn't laugh.

Today, I put a needle in my hand, and I can only have one chapter in these days, forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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